Country: Ireland

General Kids Club

Meet young Changemaker, Siena!

She’s determined to help everyone feel included…

13 phizz-whizzing facts about Roald Dahl

We’ve put together some fantastic facts about Roald Dahl’s life, and boy are there some humdingers…
General Kids Club

Let’s make a change: inequality!

Let’s put an end to discrimination and create an equal world for everyone!
  • QUIZ

    Who discovered gravity?
General Kids Club

Meet young Changemaker, Ivanna!

She’s determined to keep habitats safe for people and wildlife!
Book Club

Big Sky Mountain

Head into the great outdoors for a funny and charming adventure tale that’s full of talking animals and a thrill-seeking grandma!
General Animals

Rhino facts!

These animals are big, bulky and absolutely brilliant!
General Kids Club

Let’s make a change: habitat destruction!

Learn why it’s so important that we protect out planet’s natural habitats…
General History

Amazing Paralympic athletes!

These sporting superstars are at the top of their game…
General Kids Club


Cool, sustainable clothing for kids who want to change the world!
General Kids Club

Let’s make a change: sustainability!

Learn all about sustainability and why it’s super-important for the future of our planet…
National Geographic Kids Logo

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