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General Animals

Zebra facts!

How much do you know about these black and white beauties?
Sea Life

Starfish facts!

Find out all about these incredible invertebrates!
  • QUIZ

    Which big cat is recognisable thanks to its rosette markings?
Sea Life

Octopus facts

Discover the secrets of one of the ocean’s most fascinating creatures…

Queen Elizabeth I primary resource

Learn all about the life of Queen Elizabeth I

Make wind chimes: Art primary resource

Design and create your own outdoor wind chimes

The Acropolis primary resource

Learn about the features of the Ancient Greek Acropolis and how it was used

Vets in action: Primary resource

Learn about the different types of vet and which types of animals they treat

Prehistoric Britain primary resource

Learn about life in Britain in the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age

Vikings set sail: primary resource

Watch this video of a young Viking learning to build a ship
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