
Do you dream of becoming an astronaut, engineer or naturalist? Then you’re in the right place! Our science for kids section is bursting with incredible science facts about the way our world works.

From biology, chemistry, physics and natural history, you’ll discover some incredible secrets, awesome theories and explore some bonkers experiments in our super science for kids.

Journey with us through the natural world, the workings of the human body and even to the deepest, darkest depths of outer space.

Ready for blast off? Click about to start your journey of scientific discovery!



Five Top Conservation Tips!

How can you help save our planet?

Satellites set to track animals from space!

Scientists want to understand more about migratory animals…
  • QUIZ

    What is your favourite reptile?

Science with Dr Karl: Why is it dark at night?

Night and dark with Dr Karl…

Science with Dr Karl: In the eye of a fly!

Looking into a fly’s eyes with Dr Karl…

Did you know?

A seed can blow across the ocean and sprout on another continent.

More about oceans

Science with Dr Karl: Mighty pythons!

All about pythons with Dr Karl…

Science with Dr Karl: A wee fact about asparagus!

Asparagus and wee with Dr Karl…
General Science

Science with Dr Karl: Extraordinary X-rays

X-rays are under the microscope with Dr Karl…

Science with Dr Karl: Ants are Strong AND Clever

Dr Karl investigates ants and their behaviour

Tim Peake interview!

We caught up with awesome astronaut, Tim Peake, about life in space…

Turn your lights out for Earth Hour!

Show support for our brilliant planet…

Universe Facts

Check out 10 top facts about our universe!

What is COP26?

Learn more about this super important climate event…
General Science

What is coronavirus?

Learn the facts about coronavirus and what you can do…
General Science

Your Amazing Brain!

Discover the fascinating world of the human brain!
General Science

Your Amazing Eyes!

Learn all about the human eye…
National Geographic Kids Logo

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