Xavi’s walk to save elephants!
Meet the 8-year-old boy on a mission to help free captive elephants…
Xavi, a young boy from Sussex, has raised over £2,000 for India’s rescued elephants – what an achievement!
After learning the story of Raju, an elephant who was rescued from a lifetime of abuse by the charity, Wildlife SOS, Xavi was determined to help other elephants like him.
First, Xavi organised an online fundraising campaign that raised over £1,700 through raffles and a silent auction! This was an amazing result, but he was determined to challenge himself further…
So, in January, he embarked on a Freedom Walk! Along with his mum and sister, Xavi walked 50km through the Sussex countryside near his home. The walk raised another £400 – go Xavi!

Elephants at risk!
Wildlife SOS currently care for 30 Indian elephants like Raju. These elephants were all once owned by humans, who mistreated them. Some were kept in captivity and confinement as temple elephants, while others were forced to perform in circuses.
With the help and support of people like Xavi, Wildlife SOS can rescue these amazing animals and take them to a safe sanctuary where they can heal. Their Elephant Rehabilitation Centre is a place where the elephants can live happily, with lots of food, medical care, and even huge baths! Best of all, they never have to carry a heavy load or stay in a tiny shelter ever again.
However, all of this requires lots of money, and that’s why they need the support of people like Xavi.

Make a difference!
Xavi walked 50km on his freedom walk – one tenth of the distance that rescuers sometimes have to travel to save vulnerable elephants. That makes sense, seeing as Xavi is one tenth of the size of an elephant!
“I don’t like walking”, Xavi said, “but the elephants don’t like walking hundreds of miles as slaves”.
Xavi has special educational needs, so he knows that the world can be a difficult place. Through all his fundraising, he wants nothing more than to help make life easier for these incredible elephants.
Just two weeks after finishing his freedom walk, Xavi has started a new campaign to help the elephants! He’s designed a set of wristbands, and is selling them to raise more money for Wildlife SOS. Between this and his freedom walk, Xavi has raised over £2700!
Keep up the good work, Xavi!
You can learn more about Raju, the rescued Indian elephant whose story inspired Xavi, here:
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Save the elephants
Save wildlife and nature
Your idea was awesome and inspiring. Well done you!
What Amy.meerkat said
Great job! Keep it up!
Well done i'm sure that if elephants could talk like humans then they would saying thanks. Well done.
smart thinking and keep inspirng people that could be younger or older then you #smartie
hi xavi im your age and i just want to say keep up the work and good job your family are going to be so proud of you well done and i hope you get loads of nice messages from rocky
you are so sweet Xavi!
I’m in
This helps me
Keep it up Xavi!
good job
Elephant lives matter!!!!
elephants should NEVER be held captive like that. No animal should. great job Xavi keep fighting for our climate
yeeeessssss you did it XAVI
good job keep it up
i what to help
I love elaphants!
well done Xavi
well done
You’ve done a good Job Xavi, you can do it!!!!!!
well done xavi you did a great job
Wow Xavi keep up the work
i want to help
hi good job () () O
Wow Zavi keep up the work
well done
I agree
You are AWESOME!!! Well done Xavi
Very Inspiring! Well done! owo
Well done...A very kind act to save him :)
u are amazing thank u for trying to saving the elephants! u are a awesome person
REJUS RESCUE WAS AMAZING WELLDONE XAVIER AND SO INSPIRING Wow Xavi , you have inspired me to do something about elephant nets and other endangered animals . Keep up the good work ! I am tiktok famous
wow keep on saving elephants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW Xavi that's incredible
i am going to do the same
what Animal.lover said.
Let,s take action wow wow.
Amazing keep up the great work!
Keep on going nice work this might help the elephant this shows that you kind of care abt them what a kind boy
WOWWWWW. I never knew that Raju the elephant had a rescue!. I thought that he was going to die! :(
WOW!!! Elephants are the best :D Well done! Xavi
WOW that is inspiring!
keep up the work xavi
XAVI WOW!!!!! keep up the work
Well done!
Wow! Elephants rock!
The Elephant story is so sad, but it is great that you are supporting them Xavi!
Great work you two, it's brilliant that you care about Elephants! I'm doing all I can to save the Orangutans.
Can't wait to see what else you will do, as well!
Wow what an incredible achievement! Well done Xavi, that is so amazing!
xavi this is good keep up the work lol
nice keep up the work xavi he can do it
So inspiring.
Well done Xavier #elaphants amazing achievment ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Well done Xavier , what a great achievement.You are so inspiring.can’t wait to see what you do next .You are going to save the planet by your inspiration.
That is amazing well done xx
great work!!!
How caring!
Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How caring
Well Done Xavier!!What a great achievement. You are so inspiring. Can't wait to see what you do next. #elephants #saveareplanet #Xavier
Wow wow wow ! Xavi , keep up the good work !
Wow Xavi , you have inspired me to do something about elephant nets and other endangered animals . Keep up the good work !
Well Done Xavier
Wow cool!
that was so touching!!! they should keep saving those elephants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW! This was really inspiring for my kids!
Well done. that is a great achievement. The story of Raju is inspiring!
well done! that was amazing
wow i cant belive how the elaphant felt while in slavery
That was incredibly cool to save elephants keep going!!!
This video just show that by doing one small thing to help the planet you can make a difference.
This has really inspired me and it shows that one small thing done to help the planet can make a BIG difference...
wow thats is super cool wanna try that
Good job! My favourite animal is an elephant!
very good!!!!
That was really inspiring now I want to do something like a fundraiser to help our lovely planet
In my opionion it is a very good action you should continue like this, Great job!!!
Hello!!! The action you did it is a very beautiful action Lets take action! Cool!
Makes me very sad
SAVE THE ELIFENTES !!!!!!!! and i biliven in you and fallo you hart and kids can do a lot of thing i will help to!!!!! i'm a kid scientist now and i now lots of things about animals i have a scies team to maby they can help to we will hang posters and think of stuf to help eleifents and happy valintines and im a expert like you and every one els and every one help this kid make his drem come true :)
Xabi I really liked your idea. Because you help the animals a lot and that pleases me a lot
Eugenio Ns ava Roja Hi Xavi, what you are doing is awesome, respect man. Bye Congrats
this project is good for the elephants because to avoid the extincionof the elephants
your project is very cool
Xavi I think that your idea is amazing. Because you help a lot of animals thanks to do a change in the world.
His projet is very good I like it
lets take action
keep it up go go go go
so cool
Keep walking Xavi!
i will love to help
wel don Xavi u r awsom I think u r doing a great job i want 2 help th elephants 2 fight 4 elephants
wow you are sooo cool grat job lets go : ) SAVE THE ELIFANTS
i love how they saved this elephant. it just makes me sooooo happy!
that is amazing
Save the elephants!! Go Xavi!! :) :) You are amazing!! :) :)
so helpful,great job xavi!
Way to go xavi, truly an inspiration to us all look forward to your next instalment xx
Good job xavi!
Way to go Xavi! :)
Xavi you are amazing and a true inspiration. You have a kind heart, keep up the good work and help change the world.
Xavi you are amazing and a true inspiration. You have a kind heart Keep up the good work and help change the world for the better.
You can do it!!