In November 2021, more than 200 world leaders will meet for an event, known as COP26, to discuss climate change. Read on to learn more about this super important event…

What is COP26?

First things first – what does ‘COP26’ even mean?! Well, ‘COP’ stands for ‘conference of parties’ – a meeting that involves lots of different people working towards the same goal.

COP26 is the 26th meeting of members of the ‘United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

It’s a bit of a mouthful, but all you really need to know is that COP26 is a huge, important meeting all about taking action against climate change.

It began in 1994, when many world leaders became part of the UNFCCC and agreed that their countries would help to combat global warming. Since then, a COP has been held every year so that decision-makers can get together and discuss what to do next.

Where is the meeting?

COP26 Glasgow as seen from the sky, looking down over a river and the Scottish Events Campus

COP26 will take place at the Scottish Events Campus (SEC) in Glasgow, Scotland, and will be the biggest meeting of world leaders that the UK has ever hosted!

Each year, COP takes place in a different country. COP25 was held in Madrid, Spain, in 2019, during which Greta Thunberg gave a now-famous speech. During this meeting, important targets for cutting carbon dioxide emissions were agreed.

COP26 was supposed to take place in November 2020, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic it was delayed by a year. The conference is now happening on the 1st-12th of November 2021.

Who will be at COP26?

Representatives from nearly every country in the world! This includes world leaders like the U.K.’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, and President Joe Biden of the U.S.A., along with a whole host of other important people.

Members of the press will attend, to report about the conference on TV, radio and in newspapers. Plus, representatives from over 2,000 NGOs* are usually present, too.

*NGOs are ‘non-governmental organisations‘, such as Action Against Hunger, Greenpeace, and WWF – all have an interest in the outcome of COP26.

What will they talk about?

cop26 glasgow | wind turbines and solar panels

At COP meetings, governments from across the globe agree on targets for the future, with the aim of reducing greenhouse gases and protecting the planet. These decisions affect people all over the globe; they help us all work together to become greener and more sustainable.

Five years ago at COP21 in Paris, every member of the UNFCCC signed the Paris Agreement – an international commitment to tackle climate change. At COP26, members will review whether this agreement is working, and highlight any progress.


In the Paris Agreement, nations agreed that they would:

1. Reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, and invest in renewable energy sources, like wind and solar power.

2. Prevent global temperatures from warming by more than 2°C, and try to keep the increase as low as 1.5°C.

3. Help less-developed countries become more environmentally friendly, by supporting them financially.

4. Review progress on the Agreement every five years.

Why is COP26 important?

COP26 is the most important COP since 2015, when the Paris Agreement was created. It is an opportunity for the world to see what has been achieved since these targets were set – and pay attention to what hasn’t.

Hopefully, there will be new decisions on how to cut carbon emissions, and the world will make more progress on combatting climate change.

The after-effects of the coronavirus pandemic will also have an impact on COP26. Many governments are now paying more attention to the environment. As a result, they are hoping to rebuild their economies in a greener and more sustainable way.

Can I get involved?

COP26 glasgow | a young girl holds a megaphone. she is surrounded by adults holding colourful signs campaigning to protect the Earth.

You might not be able to attend COP26, but you can still make your voice heard! There are tonnes of ways to get involved with the UK’s ‘Year of Climate Action‘.

Simply talking about climate change with family and friends can inspire others to learn more about it and why they should care. Or if you want to take your passion one step further, why not write to your MP? You could tell them what YOU think is important, and let them know how passionate you are about saving our planet!

What do you think governments should decide at COP26? Let us know in the comments below!




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  • Esther

    Very very useful for my science project Thank

  • Leo

    I HATE GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Hi

    Very useful

  • Monke

    This is soooooooooo helpful x

  • Jim

    This website is amazing.

  • 123LetsGoGreen

    Cop26 has done NOTHING

  • Kate Hudson

    Hi everyone!!! We should all cycle be vegan and care for animals. Age 11

  • anete

    this was SOOOO fun to read!

  • See you 345

    So inspirational

  • hi


  • name

    OMG so helpful

  • Hi

    I think they should be a bit quicker

  • Good


  • zzzzzzzzzzzz1111111

    very interesting and inspiring

  • Boba Fett

    Good lets do our bit

  • soldier987


  • soldier987

    good work persuading ill do my bit

  • Hu Anwen

    This is good science

  • Izzy

    We should be able to do our bit as well

  • We need to stop climate change!!!!

  • francesca

    This is a great website to help me understand this more! Let's take action!

  • Isabel

    Everyone should help to save the planet!

  • shayne

    best thing ever

  • Kyra

    Love this!

  • We really do need to sort this out now!!

  • kenta159

    cop26 did not change anything all they do is smart talk.

  • Stella

    We need to stop climate change now!!!!!

  • cory.drumes

    this is awsome

  • Lelliott

    Climte chang is bad and we need to stop ittttttt!!!!!1!!111

  • Nalia



  • Gabe Itch

    Very cool article

  • cop26 did not change anything

  • Chantelle

    I think CPO26 will make people think a bit more serious about COP26 but wont do much to help our planet

  • Jacob

    We need to help the world

  • livey withers

    i think this website is great i am really looking forward to seeing what boris is gonna do for the uk and the whole world lets get to work to save our planet

  • This is so helpful and we need to take place

  • selena

    we need to help save our planet!!

  • Sharva

    Save the planet!

  • Owen

    climate change bad

  • raju_s089


  • chloe

    take action against climate change

  • lets take action!

  • i love it because my mum was there

  • kate

    Wow! I didn't know that Boris Johnson had accepted COP26 too, but I know that Joe Biden, who is the present president, accepted COP26.

  • Eve

    This is amazing! We should all help the world!


    Wow! Thanks Nat. Geo for your info....

  • This is a good example fir action against climate change but really the only way we will stop it is if everyone joins and contributes.

  • mya rose


  • cookaddyson

    this is a helpful site

  • oliver

    cool, never thought about it that way!

  • JakeDaEpica


  • MeliMackenzieWolf

    This is amazing! We should all help the world!

  • JakeDaEpica

    Just amazing!

  • Aidan

    i hope cop26 works so animals dont go extent and to help the world

  • Seraphinahilliard

    i think this is amazing. i think we should all do something to help this mess. I think we should stop making plastic and start making thing Metal or reusable. We all need to do are part, plus we don't know whats in are fish anymore, fish live in the sea and the sea has plastic in it right now. So what are we eating and what is the best things to do.

  • Samuel

    Thank you for the infomation! (:

  • alex

    Lets take action NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Flo

    Save the earth!

  • edyta

    i think that we start planting more trees 2 . build speiceal caves for polar bears 3 cut down less trees.4 tech littel kids about this and even tech grown ups thank you very much:)

  • once the pollution is slowed the earth will be a better place

  • Hamburger cheese burger

    This is so cool

  • ccheese

    this was amazing i love it

  • V.I.P

    it is cool

  • we can defeat climate change!

  • mya

    omg this is so inspirational thanks you teehee

  • hussein

    that was great info abut cop26

  • Annie

    I looooooooove National Geographic!!!

  • Midnight Fox

    lets take action and stop climate change

  • Lioness

    Lets change climate we can do it

  • cassie

    lets tackle climate change

  • COOL :)

  • PandaLover645


  • Tortoisesaver

    I love reading everything you post!

  • kookie

    I think we should make the world a better place by stop littering and eating less meat then we usually should

  • person...

    I hope that this is going to help stop climate change and that we can save our planet.

  • uglyrat

    Really helpful and lots of good information. COP26 is just the thing we need to STOP global warming

  • Jue Jue

    Very interesting facts here!! I now know what is COP26 and why it is important!! So interesting!!

  • alice

    Please, stop plastic pollution in the sea!

  • COP26 does nothing just blah blah blah. nothing changes

  • activist

    If we unite, we could end climate change once and for all!

  • hateforev

    electric isn't everything.while producing it many green house gasses are emmited

  • Emmanuelle

    I need facts on cop26 for my homework and this really helped thank you.

  • LISA

    I think the government should work out an effective way to save our environment and also how to get everyone involved.

  • kate

    I think that COP26 is important to the Earth, and I also think that we should save our planet.

  • nicole


  • nicole

    amazing!!!! :)

  • Segg M

    This was very interesting especially because this was part of my homework and I got good grades because of the information.

  • Random

    I promise to eat less meat and make habitat homes for animals and insects it might sound small but we all can make a big diffrence and save our planet

  • Andrea Gallina

    Very interesting! Love it!

  • James Buxton

    Very good website

  • Giraffe1234

    Stop all use of fossil fuels, no plastic bag and straws. LETS TAKE ACTION !!!!!!

  • Kacey

    We need to take action Now if we don't want our planet to rot away in your hand, so help greta thunberg and stop single use plastic and deforestation. REDUCE REUSE AND RECYCLE ♻️

  • sheri

    I will do my part!



    it stands for conference of parties and lots of people ho are working for the same goal

  • Lucia

    Don’t use so much plastic bags and save the whole wide world.

  • Sergio

    I think they could input a rule that should be, do not use plastic that hasn't been 100% recycled or making a specific place to take all things that pollute

  • i think they should help and tell us what is going to happen


    We are actually thinking of writing a letter to our MP now! Great article.

  • Raina Hachey

    I love this website

  • stanley

    i hope cop26 can do something about climate change

  • Hugo

    I hope it happens that the persons use most renewable energy.

  • Alejandro

    Really helpful and lots of good information. COP26 is just the thing we need to STOP global warming

  • Mario

    I hope everything goes well and that will be achieved with the help of all the world.

  • Erik

    That all the countries stop polluting the enviroment, or if they can't stop, reduce gasoil, industries...

  • Nora

    I would put more animals shelters more protection on the beaches. The most important more public transport!

  • Alberto Costillas

    I like this page. I love nature. it's imporftant not tu pollute.

  • Gael García

    The plastic can contaminate the planet and we can kill the fish, and when we eat the fish it has plastic.

  • Víctor

    I hope that the COP26 can help to our countrys to commbat the climate change. We all can make the difference!

  • Guillermo

    That decisions are made so that people do not pollute so much.

  • Irene

    I hope that in all the world, in each country the politicians put a variety of norms to combat the climate change. Like: if we use the car to no important things they would be fined; we can use the rest of the day public transports.

  • Aroa

    I love nature. I want it to last and not to die.

  • Leire

    I think that in Glaswow the thigs of the climate change theyr are going to improved litel bit the polution

  • Álvar

    It could be great that represantives talk about the pollution that factories and cars generate. I think it has to be a limit to the pollution of the cars and factories.

  • David

    I would like people don't pollute the forest, rivers, seas and oceans; I also would like more use of renewble energies, such as solar or wind energy. Finally I would like industries make less plastics.

  • Víctor

    I hope that the COP26 can help to our countrys to commbat the climate change. We all can make the difference!

  • Sergio

    I would like that the politicians they agree to combat the climate change now. Have measures now to not contaminate more.

  • Lucía

    I wish that climate change affects less and that in a few years climate change will not exist, because it is very bad for the planet and what is bad for the planet is for us.

  • Irene

    I would like all of us to recycle more to reduce the cost of plastics.

  • Lidia

    I hope that if a person finds a piece of paper or a piece of plastic on the ground to pick up and throw it in the thash.

  • Miguel

    I would like that the representing people agree to reduce the plastics,to save a lot of lives.

  • Celia

    I would like the containers were made up of cardboard but not made of plastic.

  • Rodrigo

    Reducace the plastic because the plastic is bag for oceans.

  • carlota.saiz

    Proyect our planet .one planet we haves .save our future by walking more instead of using a bus , recycle , grawing more trees and stop contaminantion .

  • Claudia Rodríguez

    Stop polluting air, recycling,use more renewable energys and help under developed countries cutting CO2 emitions.

  • Victor

    For people to throw all garbage into the bin. Also that people recycle to make useful things for poor people and people in need.

  • claudia.sainz.1.2

    I'd like that we dont cut the trees, we ride bike or a vehicle that dont have engine. control the plastics or objets that can contaminate the sea. and recycle the plastics. Use recyclable bottles instead of plastic botells.

  • Candela Lopez

    I would put more animal shelters and reduce the plastic produce.

  • Miranda

    I would like the governament orders to only make electric cars to don't pollute and to improve the climate change.

  • Sofía ❤

    I would like them to put more solar panels and forbid throw plastics to the ground and to the sea.

  • Mencía

    I would like to stop making cars that are not electric and put more places to charge them and lower their price.

  • Pablo Pardal

    It's very cool that leaders to get together to clean seas and habitats and save the animals.


    Set standars, for example not to use so many plastics and recycle. You have to try to reduce the plastic.

  • Mario.vicario

    I wish all politicans would did what they could.

  • estelam.gonmam

    l love animals, but you have to take care of their habitat, I want the countries to agree to pollute less.

  • Ceci ♥️

    I like this project of COP26. I think it can contribute to the planet. If we want, we can stop global warming. We can save habitats and make the world a better place. Let's save the planet!

  • Lucia Gonzalez

    I want to be agreed a more sustainable way of life.

  • Rocky

    Make more wind turbines

  • Andrés

    Is very important reduce the fossil fuel and governments have to do something to stop change climate.

  • Pablo Fernandez

    I think that the governments they have to gather people to clean up the enviroment.

  • Alex Santamaría

    They say that we must pollute less. We must vote a party that is green.

  • ana.tamayo

    I would put more animal shelters and more protection on the beaches. And stop plastic bottles in the sea.

  • Julen Seco

    I want pollution to be reduced because the planet need this.

  • Sergio Alonso

    I hope we reduce the sea pollution and don't throw plastics or other materials to the sea or to the rivers. I think is important to save animal lives because we can kill them and destroy their habitats.

  • Lucía.velasco

    I would like put solar pannels on the roof of my house.

  • Anonymous

    The government should stop all the bad emissions rising. Reduce plastic to help all the animals.

  • We need to stop the greenhouse gasses!!!!

  • Marli McLean

    They should lower carbon emissions, stop plastic packaging, invest in renewable energy

  • Noah

    Remove trash from the ocean.

  • Change

    We can make a difference just stop! Talking about it and actually do it.

  • Alex

    They need a plan that actually will work.

  • Bug1020

    Dear important people, Please stop using cars and trucks that release smog and gas into the air, not even a little bit! Its bad for the earth. Use stuff like those battery cars

  • Elina

    no plastic water bottles!

  • Good information

  • Cameron McCabe

    The government should decide to put a stop to plastic water bottles and replace them with other materials.

  • someone

    go countries attending!!!!!!

  • kingarturo3339


  • We have have one planet that we need to save

  • mason :)


  • sharky yay

    goooooo cop 26!!!!!!! yayayayayyay

  • Flora Villares

    The planet needs to be sustainable!

  • Manuela Atan

    Please, stop plastic pollution in the sea!

  • cat

    Really helpful and lots of good information. COP26 is just the thing we need to STOP global warming

  • Tommy

    @MaxxiGreen That Would Cost TOO much for us to do that.

  • Milan

    No plastic bottles! Sun energy cars and phones! No gas! No fossil fuels! Ride your bike! Or catch public transport! Or just walk!

  • Ben

    lets put a stop to drastic climate change so we can have our crops and our ecosystems we can do this!

  • Effie

    We need a change!

  • Owen

    the planet is the best

  • jeff g hhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    the planet is the best so save it people remember there is no planet b

  • Iain

    save the earth

  • DuncanDJPH

    i think they are making a good choice to start cop26 and I think we can do more to help the planet and the other generations have ruined our planet and we have to do something or else we might die due to global warming

  • alfie

    i'm eco leader in school .I think that people should not litter it is hurting the sea creatures and other creatures it is easy to put it in the bin .

  • I think they are doing a good job and that we should do more to help the planet because we only have one of them and it is the other generations who have ruined the planet

  • MaxJSL


  • Jimmy

    cop 26 is good but the world is at stake these people will not live long enough to see the future but we will lets hope the world gets fixed one day

  • giraffe

    there is no planet b so look after planet A

  • .

    I think that we can’t stop climate change but we can fix it

  • Dream (:

    COP26 is cool.


    Its Good they are trying

  • MaxxiGreen

    gas filled cars should be replaced with cars that run with electricity and have a greener earth!

  • katie

    We only have 1 planet and now is our time to save it , try the little things such as a organic soap bar instead of bottled soap or even having a reusable water bottle to help stop producing plastic bottle waste. If we all try these things it could make a huge difference on our planet.

  • #kasu

    I am eco leader at school and it is so epic . These thing are so important but some people just dont care whuch is so unfair. i dont want our animals to go. LETS MAKE A DIFFERENCE

  • Paul

    I will help greta to make climate change more better and make people to SAVE OUR PLANET

  • I love the earth!

    COP26 is the BEST thing that has happened to humanity EVER! I of course I’m saying that because when I grow up I wanna build a HUGE corporation that saved the earth globally!!

  • Savetheplanet!

    I can't wait to do this!

  • Kai Williams

    I try to help by recycling at home. everyone needs to help as much as they can.

  • Save our planet!!!!

    Act now or our community will end. I will do all I can to help,

  • I will try to do help the climate change as it is important and COP26.

  • Hiii

    I think cop 26 is a great idea

  • Szymon

    I would stop making paper and plastic stuf and make metal stuf (metal straws, metal cartoons and metal cutlety). SAVE OUR PLANET!!!

  • Herter

    The eye's of the world are watching you!!!!!!!!

  • Justice Lion

    I hope we will get to make our environment better and make it very natural! Justice Lion

  • Fredex

    COP26 will be an environmental statement in the history o mankind

  • Don`t destroy this planet .

  • A awesome

    If we don't take steps forward our earth will collapse and everybody's life will be in danger

  • Jade

    I think cop 26 will be an important time for people!

  • Kal-El

    yes we should be doing some thing about this and i love that we are

  • If we don't take part something in the future is going to be bad for future humans!

  • ?????????

    i will do something to help!

  • Ysgol Waunfawr

    We think Cop 26 is cool and we want to do something about it. We are going to have a non electricity afternoon nest week. We look forward to cop 27. We shall help research Mars as a green planet and using moss and creatures to warm it up. Cai Yr 5

  • I love it

  • Let's save the world people!

  • Awsum34

    Let's do something about climate change!

  • I love it!

    cop 26 is amazing!

  • BOB

    I read a book called 'Where the river runs gold'. It describes a future Earth: people having to wear pollution masks, no bees so children had to pollinate themselves and more! I recommend it. U should read it

  • Boris Johnson


  • ray_15

    Lets support our community!

  • beanie

    It is great that everyones coming together to change our world

  • Ravenqueen954

    We need to start taking action

  • harris


  • kyle

    save the planet

  • Cook tim

    Amazing, I love cop26!!!

  • Ruth

    Let’s take action!

  • Jiji

    The climate crisis is massive and we need to seriously start doing something or we will be hit massively. Even the smallest of things could help, like recycling more or riding bikes or walking to places close by. :)

  • Thanks you helped me with my homework LOL

  • Mikey


  • Grace

    this was really fun to learn about! I love it.

  • Liz

    We must act now or it will be to late

  • bob

    it’s so cool

  • Seren / Heidi

    Hi we think this situation is getting out of hand. We could help this by putting posters around and teach younger people how this is affecting the enviroment. if they know about this when they are older they could help to stop this.

  • Kaci+Harri

    We need to take responsibility we are apart of this. If we do not do something the next generation will suffer a bad life with pollution and land fill. I am sure u can think of the 7 r's what are Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Recycle, Repair, Reuse, Rot.


    Climate change is a big thret to our world and we need to act now and do something about it because we are our future.

  • Caitlyn and Ameilia

    The world is very polluted and we need to do something about it now. It's not very good for the worlds health and it has to change. Most important we have to change our ways.

  • We all need to stop dumping rubbish in our seas. Climate change is real lets start doing something about it.

  • Adam

    We need to stop dropping our plastic and put are plastic in the bin, because our world is crumblen to peaces with plastic because we are dropping it every were.

  • Nathan and Ben

    I would say instead of using electric in our houses we can use more solo panels.

  • We need to act!

  • Micah

    we need to take action to help the climeit change

  • Red

    I luv this, it inspired me.

  • When you cut down a tree plant a new one

  • cocoya

    we need to help and take acsion

  • Zack

    Let’s take action and stop climate change.

  • Mario, Fernando, Luis, Jorge y Marina

    Hello important person. We need to make more electric cars and more renovable energies: solar panels...and don't use cars. Bye important people

  • Grupo 7

    We want there to be less pollution in the planet and protect endangered animals and for peaple to recycle more. Bye and take care of the enviroment

  • Leo,Nacho,Asier,Pablo y Alejandra.

    COP26 is an important good idea because the climate change is one of the most bad gases. The all presidents of the countries gather to stop the climate change.

  • Alejandra Mireia Irene Elena Hugo

    Hello people of Scotland: We know about your climate problem, its horrible. Is very interesting your meeting to talk about the climate changes. Children can help doing this things: Turn of the ligth Recicle Don't use innecesary water. We want to help the Earth. Bye

  • Gabriela, Malina, Sabela and Sara

    We think that your help is very important for everyone, but you all need to colaborate, so please don't talk too much and do it! Thank you for your attention. - La Salle Plasencia

  • Iván, Alejandro, Eulogio, Helena, Vega

    We think that we should not pollute the earth so much and we should try not to go garbage to the ground or to the oceans so we could change the planet

  • Fianaith age 8

    we need more trees. I am going to plant 2 more trees. I am going to try make less journeys in my mammys car. I hope the world lasts forever because it is a lovely place.

  • Bailey

    I am helping by walking to and from school and not to waste water when brushing my teeth.

  • Kids should know about this stuff it’s important to know about this stuff

  • GAMER123

    do not cut down trees

  • Alex

    hopefully the ozone layer will re-form the layer it is meant to be and all the global warming's will go down.That means the polar bears will be safe and no more ice burgs will melt DOESN'T EVERYONE LOVE POLAR BEARS

  • GAMER123

    no more cutting down trees

  • Danny

    This will really help the world to be better

  • Tommy

    Host more events in big cities and say to stop climate change

  • Margaret

    It starts with one person, and can spread to the whole world.

  • Lily

    im glad that our countries are making a change

  • peyton

    I think we could help the earth by picking up litter and using your car less, hopefully our earth gets better soon we can make our earth better lets do it .

  • mads

    i think people should stop polouting the earth and stop and cutting trees.

  • Kira Chemerys.

    I think this is so important and I am glad our countries are coming together to make a better world!

  • Joe Biden

    Jeff bezosssss doesn’t give a damn about climate change he just launched a rocket into space and he flys his private jet everywhere and not 1 of his Amazon trucks are electric if he has so much money the least he could do is make his own company use clean energy by making his Amazon vehicles electric.

  • Darcie

    Jeff bezo is very hypocritical in his speech he moans about climate change but he went to to space

  • Zaid hajothman

    Why are all the world leaders Always gathering up about world problems it would make more sense if scientists with degrees met up

  • Hi

    Jeff bezos is a hypocrite. He says we should look after the environment yet he has hundreds of thousands of Amazon drivers polluting the air. Good luck with COP 26

  • MissA

    Thanks for explaining what COP26 is about.

  • Carys

    We need to take action quickly! There isn’t any time to wait around and let someone else do something if we want change we need to do something. COP 26 is such a good idea to bring countries around the world to make a change but instead of just talking they need to take action.

  • Mario

    This is extremely helpful!!!! Although these Leaders speeches sound very hypocritical, how many of these leaders took a private jet to Glasgow?

  • Lillia

    COP26 is a very important event that must happen. However we watched Jeff bezos speech and he was very hypocritical. More needs to be done to ensure the next generations are safe!!!

  • Adam

    There should be more awareness to global warming and climate change

  • Let’s GO

  • Evie Broadfoot

    Thanks for the inspiration guys. I will try and share this and talk about climate change with my friends and family.

  • Rui Quan

    Climate change is making me feel like we just need to do a bit more…

  • Ollie

    I hope that this all goes to plan and the can save the planet

  • Its time for action, we can't wait any longer.

  • William

    Let's turn down our heating and recycle let's not forget we need to stop chopping trees down its for humanity's future!

  • Em1l10

    Lets stop deforestation!

  • t-poilil

    I think we should reduce pollution so that the we will be able to bring down the emission of green house gases which will help manage global warming .

  • Eco


  • Loreto Convent, Gibraltar

    The eyes of the world are watching!

  • Mackenzie

    This helped me a lot. Thanks for making it

  • lets take a lot of action

  • Dylan Jones

    I think they should allow recycling bins in schools with no extra cost! :D

  • Lily and Harri

    We think we should start saving electricity and use more solar panels and we should save are sea animals by using less water

  • We could make the environment better and stop dropping litter. Litter is going in to the ocean and killing our animals and out world will be a disappointment to our world!

  • Kacey and Romi

    We need to protect our world and the oceans Why should we fix this mess. We hope we see these changes soon.

  • Noa and Chloe

    We think local councils should allow the local bin men to pick up schools plastic and recycling and we should try and save more whater

  • Lexie and Kai

    We should stop using so much water, local councils need to start recycling from schools, stop throwing your rubbish into our oceans, stop polluting our worlds.

  • Alex and Leo

    You should have more bins with shutters on them More soler panels yoos less water

  • Seren Caleb

    Earth need a change I believe in the world to have a great big change

  • Charley / Dylan

    I think we can help our environment by encouraging young kids like us to pick up the plastic they see on our planet.

  • Alix and Bailey

    I think we should start using less plastic and recycle because our world is getting worse every year so we need to start recycling

  • Bluebelle / Louis

    I think we can save the environment by reducing the amount of pollution, electricity and the amount of water is wasted because climate change is a big thing.

  • Arwen and Zac

    I think we should start using more electric cars and solar panels and find more ways to recuse our plastic waste we need to take action

  • Megan summer

    I think we should make a law about littering and that might help climate change.

  • Hehehe

    Cop26 is so important

  • Ewan

    Lets stop climate change

  • Bethany Lai

    This passage helped me a lot for my geography.

  • WOW!

  • cool!!!!

  • Timmy

    Listen and act on good advice.

  • aksel

    make the environment better please

  • Elaijah

    We need to take action

  • Girrafeshark

    Let’s take action!!!!

  • Ahmed

    I think it would be great because they are finally making something that is best for the world. It is because people cutting down trees and taking away the animal's habitat.

  • Alex

    I think Boris Johnson should make a limit of how many trees you can cut down.

  • arran

    no more gas produced and more solar panels

  • PurpleMonster102

    I think that on COP25 when Greta gave her sensational speech it changed the world. People need to open their eyes more to climate change, it is more of an issue than everyone makes out.

  • Giraffe

    Let’s be eco warriors

  • Hansikaa

    We should look after our planet by global warming ,plant trees and use electric cars.

  • Kirsty

    This is very helpful for my Geography homework and it is very useful

  • cohenjoejackson


  • theo and axl

    we have to protect the world

  • summer and gemma

    very educational

  • P3 OHR Primary

    We need to keep the world nice and clean. Keep rubbish away and keep the world safe from harm.

  • dilly

    this is very good information

  • cool! epic!

  • name

    lets tackle climate change

  • stop littering


  • Stopping climate change could save the world

  • i think they should announce that everyone should pick up trash even if it was not them so this is a good explanation on what it is :)

  • ECO lover 123

    We should make sure that we look after every country rich and poor!!!

  • let's stop climate change!

  • Nola

    i am learning about COP26

  • Hana

    Help the planet

  • Aria

    This is really great of what the goverment is doing!

  • Hana Hussain

    Let’s help the planet by stop throwing liter

  • Theo and davis

    We live in Glasgow we hope good discussions are made

  • Bob


  • Cool

  • BOB


  • Eliza

    It's important to recycle

  • Josh Barchha

    people need to stop throwing litter. If they are caught they should have to do a course on climate change and then pay a fine.

  • Via.011

    Climate change must be sttoped

  • dudeman

    Yes climate change is a big issue, cop26 can help.

  • Person

    They should make underwater city's Make exact replacas of the country under water

  • annie willis

    I would really like to stop climate change

  • Year 4 Frogs

    In Year 4 Frogs, we have been discussing the importance of Climate Change. We think electric cars should be more affordable and people should be encouraged to walk or cycle instead of driving. We also think we need to stop cutting down trees and we should plant more. We throw away a lot of waste which could be recycled. We need to find alternatives to fossil fuels.

  • ultar cool person

    Let's take action!

  • GrEeNnEr pLaNeT

    WoW! These people really want to make a difference in the world! (so do i)

  • Eli

    Walk to school if you're close

  • We’re all Greta

  • Harry

    I loved the article

  • Nat Geo Is Beast

    Nat Geo Is Beast Well Done this is cool

  • Hi Its Me Don't you Remember

    It's a great article good job peeps.

  • Harry

    It was a good article

  • Chantelle

    It's fun and you can learn alot from this website

  • Great information and I will be sharing it with my class to keep them informed about this important event

  • Soph

    #takeactionnow #climatechange !!

  • David Mendoza

    help the enviroment is a good idea !!!



  • CharlieS

    good work cop 26

  • Maia

    I think we need to stop cutting down trees and ban plastic in supermarkets

  • Jacob Egerton-Parry

    Help the planet and help stop global warming.

  • #yellowNaturelover

    take action!

  • David R Aggarwal

    Liked this article a lot... will share with my child. They are learning about climate change in school and this is relevant information. Also sharing this with their class teacher as a resource to help teach children in a hybrid space

  • Luke Davidson

    I told my gran she needs to drive an electric car. The adults must listen

  • Harrison


  • My favourite part was what was cop stands for conference of parties.

  • Aarush

    impact of climate change are already felt in the world

  • Aishi

    climate change is a major global issue that all the countries should look into.

  • Apple

    Well done

  • CHill Woof

    I think cop26 is great. And I cand wait till it hapens!!!

  • Beth

    I agree with the environmental change to make the world a better place.

  • Nova

    We have to change together, Make a difference together

  • Together we can change

  • Shiori

    You must recycle more!

  • Collin

    Changing climate change that sounds cool

  • Luka Orr (age 6)

    I think you shouldn’t litter as we want the planet to survive. COP26 is important because everyone needs to meet to talk and make better changes for our world.

  • Reepham Primary

    Invest in green energy and reduce fossil fuels.

  • izzy

    My dad and i are taking part in the actual progress

  • Dan

    It’s very good

  • Somebody with an V in their name

    If Climate Change happens the entire world will change and it wont be good, many many things will be affected, People, Ice, and many more.

  • I think it's really awesome that they're is a whole company with all the country's preventing climate change!

  • Ella Murray

    Let’s stop all the climate change

  • YEET

    Let’s take action

  • yes!!!!

  • Jesse

    I felt like we needed to take action sooner or later and now in COP26 it is finally happening!!!!! #save the planet

  • hi ms liz

    very cool

  • Class Teacher

    There are so great ideas on this forum- well done peeps.


  • Salam Dari Binjai

    Lets stop climate change

  • Ms. Liz

    I am testing to see if this works for my students. :)

  • Dude man

    I am excited

  • Nicolas

    I feel that COP26 is super important

  • quinnygirl

    lets make change!

  • Hedgehog

    Lets stop climate change

  • PugMan

    Let’s stop climate change!

  • Pete

    End animal farming which is destroying the planet.

  • Isaac

    I feel that COP26 is super important

  • Let's save the world by turning lights off and not cutting trees

  • Luke Davidson

    Adults need to listen and stop destroying our planet. They must drive electric cars and stop wasting lots of food . They must listen and protect the planet now.

  • Luke Davidson

    We need to drive electric cars and stop greenhouse gases. We need to stop using plastic for packaging and throwing plastic in the sea

  • Tianna

    I love this website

  • a


  • Yes


  • Susan

    Stop making packaging so difficult to divide into recyclable and non recyclable parts. Packaging does not need to be brightly coloured. We are not eating the packaging. As long as it is labelled we can buy it.

  • Olivia

    I think it very good that anyone can joins something important like this

  • kitty

    so excited!

  • Liony

    I will save the earth

  • jacob

    we need to help the planet.

  • moromu

    Awesome! I can't wait to help the world.

  • CharIieB

    good work cop 26

  • Katie Kat

    Children are the future! We should speak up and take action.

  • Fred

    I think the government need to make electric cars more affordable.

  • ConnorBhoy

    This Is A Giant Global Event Worldwide We All Need To Be Friendly To Our Planet

  • Rose

    We have to make sure we plant more tree and protect the habitat. Electric cars need to be more affordable and we need to recycle more.

  • Steven

    Awesome! Hopefully COP can help us with climate change

  • Let’s end climate change

  • turty

    I try to help earth

  • CharlieB

    good work cop 26

  • Tiffany

    The Goverment needs to make heating pumps and electric cars more affordable so the poor can buy them.

  • Joni pro

    Let’s Recycle More!!!!!!!



  • Laugme

    It,s going to be great !

  • Andre Medina

    Stop using plastic bags and using fabric bags and using more often electric cars.

  • Siena Medina

    We should stop using plastic bags and also only wear reusable fabric masks.

  • Let’s stop Climent change

  • Danfra


  • Lisabel Briodean

    cool im so excited

  • use more electric cars

  • holly rose hamilton [age7]

    i love all things in nature so does my papa he teaches me a lot about birds and animals and plants.

  • panda

    This is awsome

  • Katie


  • Tina

    This is a very interesting article

  • moony

    woooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Sage

    The US should try and replace coal mines with solar farms.


    I'm excited

  • nice

    cant wait

  • Agent_Meerkat


  • Seth Davis

    We need to make changes to how we affect our climate now. Children should be given a voice and opportunities to share their ideas. We are the future

  • hi

  • Gerald

  • Nevan

    I have to write a talk on COP26 for school and this website has been a HUGE help!

  • Hallie

    Let’s take action

  • gorabbitgirl


  • eeeeeeeeee


  • Daniel

    We need to deal with this when our resources run out then what?

  • Daniel

  • Ella

    Sounds great!

  • Kitten


  • Pokemaster


  • ninja


  • Becks

    This is so interesting! I love it! Thx for making me aware!

  • carson

  • addy

  • megan

    this is so cool in 2019 greta thunberg traveled by boat and was late for the cop25

  • Sophie M :)

    COP stands for conference of parties, COP26 is all about climate change and every year COP26 is hosted in a different country this year is Glasgow. Representatives from nearly every country in the world will be coming!

  • Michael

    I think the bp should be shut down

  • j

  • LittleClimateActivist

    Like bruh, there is climate change, they’ve realised its a problem and what do they do before 1994: "Meh. It doesn’t matter if our world is burning up." I’m glad that there’s more and more action being taken.

  • Birch

  • go


  • Dj


  • Bob


  • KandyKat

    =D Its great to hear America is back in, Trump hated this group and left it but now America is back!

  • T

    I want the provent land fill

  • T

  • Martha

  • dj

  • H

  • That’s amazing

  • Zack


  • oooo

    thanks for telling me about it

  • Cat

    =( the world is sad

  • Gary

  • harper and bracken

    wow this website is amazing we have learned so much!!!!! :)

  • lol kind of cool ngl bro

  • Ayham Noor

    We need to actually save the world, even it’s more then 50% of pollution little things can still help

  • Ayham

  • Anonymous


  • Axl

  • Aimee

  • Ellie

    I think it’s really good to help you write a report about it

  • gReen

    World leaders should change their mindsets about climate change.Most of them like short-term gain to remain in power because their span in power max 6 to 10 years. They never think about our future generation nor the sustainable world.

  • RR


  • cool cool cool cool

  • YAY 123


  • Very helpful

  • kay27686


  • Intresting

  • Monet

  • Greener world

  • ETK

    Take action.

  • Arjuman

  • graciexo02

  • Y


  • Hi

    This I cool

  • hajrah


  • mason

    I love the earth .

  • Beatie

    I'm so excited for it! I wonder what they will agree on and who will win the Blue Peter competition for it!

  • ailsa

  • ailsa mc

  • ailsa


  • Blue Peter is holding a climate change competition. You have to write a short story or poem under 250 words and it gets shown at COP26

  • Lin S

  • Mr Black (8F)

    The article was informative for us. Could the ice caps melt any minute? Thank you

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