Signs of Spring
Winter is ending and the world is waking up…
After a long winter, there’s nothing more exciting than spotting the first signs of spring! Keep reading to learn more about this super season…
Signs of spring!
Snowdrop spotting!
Snowdrops are one of the very first signs of spring. These delicate flowers emerge in the depths of winter, as early as the 1st of January.
By February, snowdrops flower in woodlands, parks, and gardens all over the UK. They’re small, measuring just 15cm tall, but their beautiful white flowers make them easy to spot.
Due to climate change, snowdrops seem to be appearing earlier and earlier every year – so keep an eye out from Christmas onwards!
Woodland wonderland!
Other early bloomers, like yellow primroses, join snowdrops on the forest floor, early in the year. Overhead, some trees will also be blooming – look out for their long, unusual-looking flowers, which are known as ‘catkins‘!
Ponds full of frogspawn!
Many frogs and toads hibernate during the winter, but by the time spring comes around, they’re awake and raring to go!
Frogspawn (a jelly-like blob of amphibian eggs!) starts to appear in ponds across the UK from January onwards. It usually emerges in the south west of England first, and by March frogspawn can be found all over.
Only 1 in 50 of these precious eggs will survive to adulthood, which is why frogs lay so many! If they don’t get gobbled up by a predator, these eggs will grow into tiny tadpoles – another sign of spring.
Blossom blooming!
The white flowers of blackthorn are one of the first blossoms every year – they appear even before the shrub has leaves! Pink blossoms like cherry and apple follow shortly after, and pinkish-white hawthorn blossom in May.
Blossom trees (and the fruit that falls from them, after the blossom ends) are an important habitat and food source for lots of other animals. Bees, caterpillars, blackbirds, and even mammals like voles and badgers, all rely on these trees for food and shelter.
Buzzing bees!
Blossoming trees are a sign that it’s time for bees! With the return of flowering plants and trees, bees emerge from their winter nests and get ready for a new year of nectar collecting.
The start of spring sees the return of many other insects, too. Keep an eye out for beautiful butterflies, and check the ground for scurrying beetles.
You can encourage bees into your garden by planting native wildflowers, or building a bee hotel!
Longer days, lighter evenings
After the March equinox, countries above the equator line (like the UK) are tilted towards the sun. As a result, these countries get more hours of daylight and warmer temperatures.
Add in daylight saving time, where we all move our clocks forwards on a specific date in March, and the evenings are suddenly much sunnier than before!
Bluebell woodlands
Believe it or not, over half the world’s population of bluebells live in the UK, and in spring, they’re out in full force!
These strongly-scented blooms form carpets across shady woodland floors from mid-April onwards. Bluebell colonies take a long time to establish, therefore they’re often found in ancient woodland.
Bluebell flowers are very delicate, so it’s important not to touch them and to be careful not to trample on them. If you’re visiting a bluebell wood, be sure to stick to the path, to keep these fab flowers safe!
Birds, birds, birds!
Spring is a busy time for parents in the animal kingdom – and this is particularly true for birds! Spotting a bird’s nest is a true sign of spring, but they can be tricky to see, as many birds carefully conceal their nests to keep their chicks safe from predators.
Instead, listen out for the tuneful birdsong that begins in March, as birds start to seek out their mating partners. Keep a look out for nesting birds in your garden, local parks and nearby waterways, too.
If you’re lucky enough to spot a bird’s nest, make sure you don’t get too close or touch it, just observe from a distance and keep an ear out for the sound of little chicks!
Thanks to Arno Smit; Hanns Benn; Karsten Paulick; Sean McGee; Larisa Koshkina, and 42North, for providing the images used in this article.
Have you spotted any signs of spring? Let us know in the comments!
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Cool artical. I even wrote an poem based on it.
I loved to learn about Spring and it was so fun
Can't wait for spring!
Thank you! I did something for my school project and i needed this.
this was so good
I love spring because the flowers grow back
Spring is very cool !!!!!
I love parks
I'm excited for spring because I can play lacrosse
It is really fun to read it
Very gooooood
I love spring because I can play football ⚽️
This is very cool! highly recomend
If you read this I'm the only real person. Also this is a short reed witch I like.
thank you for the tips!
I have seen the snow drops all round, and some daffodils too. Spring is here!
Very good signs of spring
Kittens are the cutest animals ever
I always wanted to know the signs of each season, and now I know fall and spring. THANKS!
the facts are amzing
All of the animals and trees look pretty and the baby birds look sooo cute I love their fer and I love the flowers they are so pretty a nice message from 310!!!
thank you for making a whole website
Perfect facts!
This was great for research Thank you so much for putting effort into this
this is cool
thank you! you have really helped me to understand spring more! i cant wait to learn more!
I really enjoyed reading thankyou
This helped my class so much thank you
I like spring so much because thare is so meny frogs.
very good
This website had some great information in it!
We have enjoyed exploring your website on spring as we have been learning all about the early signs of spring today!
I learned a lot so thank you National Geographic You're amazing. Thank you!
These are great facts. I can't wait to see a bird!
This is so cool!
I love learning about Springtime!
yes I have seen blossom trees
I have a bird feeder and a lot more birds have been eating the seeds since it´s gotten warmer
I love spring the flowers are so prity like snowdrops and daisys. I love spring the flowers are so prity like snowdrops and daisys.
I can't wait for spring!
cool article I learned a lot
I Love natural geographic
Best website to search about the nature
amazing facts!
I love the sighs of springs because to me i think i like it because i love when the butterflys comes out and the flowers looks better
i hate bees
I have seen cherry blossoms.
I have a pond and it’s got frogs and frog spawn!
I prefer spring better than winter because winter is very cold and it's hotter in spring. I can play outside without needing to wear my furry coat. And you also have pretty flowers all around!!
Winter is better than spring because it's my birthday.
i see snow melting
That's so cool I saw a flower blossoming!!
This is soooo cool I love it thank for putting this site up!
Very good reading I hadn't heard of bluebells until now as I'm only 10
I have seen some cute spring lambs. I have also seen some snowdrops at the bottom of my garden.
I love this website.
yes i have seen babby lambs at the farm and blossem trees
That's nice to know
This is very educational
Thanks for making it so good
I really loved this because it is really weird and interesting
Spring is my favorite time of the year
COOL I Can’t wait for spring to come
Spring if March 20th Longer days, getting warmer, flowers are growing spring is great!! Get ready spring is coming
this web site is amazing
Baby animals
Spring is one of my favourte time of the year. I love finding frogspawn in the pond.
spring is warm
Spring is fun.
Very interesting......
I LOVE Spring!
thank you for teaching us this
summer more cooller than spring
i love it.
thanks realy helpfull and suprising
I love spring the flowers are so prity like snowdrops and daisys.
Longer days, lighter evenings
Interesting! Hi there. I like to go litter-picking to help with the environment, lots of litter is scattered where I live which is why it is imperative to clean our community up to make a healthier planet!
This thing is super cute
wow!!! my favvvvv spring !
so pretty
baby birds are extremely ugly
it is so cool
i like spring
i love spring
I love Spring
There are LOTS of bees around the sage in my backyard.
We have seen butterflies, and are trying to save a baby bird that fell out of its nest.
lol i love spring too
I love it
Spring is awesome, hi A
spring is the best season
im sooo cool
this helped in my school work
this helped in my school work
Spring is fun! So excited for summer to come up! Say Hello To Spring!
Good to know info about spring is cool
I love spring but my area is putting a decline to nature so I have not seen the specimens everyone else have seen however I really want to make a difference
Best ever
Best ever
this is cool
cool man
These really helped me out because it has been raining for a long time here in Glasgow.
did you know; a gold-edged snowdrop is extremely rare ,and was sold at an auction for over £1000000 ,($?,for now ill just go with £1000000 or $$$$)
Spring is here!!!!!
Wood pigeons egg shell
best time ever!
Noice to hit ya……oh yeah i have the science, animal and space book
I love spring it is one of my favirote seasons.
i lovd it lol
This is great
Waw it is amusing
I love the birds.
I love spring and these pictures are cool.
I’m really interested in science and this helps it’s fun and interesting to read
Bird's nest up on a tree
Finally time to go outside
I was BORN in Spring! It's my absoulte FAV season!
It is very cool! I discover a lot of information about spring, it is my favourite season
Very Helpful