taste altering gadget

Veggie loathers, listen up! 

Scientists have created a sweet solution for those of us who aren’t keen on eating our greens; a device that tricks our tastebuds into thinking we’re eating something else.

flavour faking device

The flavour-faking device could make even bland food taste delicious!

The sweet piece of tech, dubbed the ‘Taste Buddy’, works by heating up the ‘sweet channel’ in our tongue. When the channel is heated, it tells the brain that we’re tasting something sweet – thus hoodwinking our tastebuds!

The hope is that the tasty invention will help people to eat more healthily, while still enjoying the flavours of the foods they love. Just imagine, broccoli that tastes like brownies! 



Professor Adrian Cheok flavour faking device

Professor Adrian Cheok – the lead scientist on the project – and his family put the invention to the test!

It’s even thought that it could help developing countries that have limited access to sugar due to high costs and drought — now that’s what we call sweet science.

It could be 20 years before the gadget hits the high street, but you can test prototypes of the device for yourself at The Big Bang Fair 2017 on the 15-18 March in Birmingham — the largest celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths for kids who love learning, just like you! 

What food flavours would you like to change? Let us know by leaving a comment below!




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  • Lorrie B.

    Everything should taste like bacon!

  • joshua


  • OOOH

    imagine if your carrots tasted of bubblegum and you could blow carrot bubbles

  • LP

    I would like broccoli tasting as sphaghetti.

  • katelynn

    I would like you to change your flavor of mushrooms

  • i would like it if green beans could taste like cookies

  • haylee mansson

    mushroom. make mushroom taste like jaffas

  • ahmad

    i want to change the carrot to cola candy

  • liongirl

    Cant wait to try this out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Deja

    wow i cant wait

  • Tulliahanjani13456

    cool but i like broccoli

  • Lolli

    The taste of cheese to chocolate

  • Abigail12345

    That is so cool I cant wait for this

  • xxx_Timmy_xxx

    But i love broccoli, i hate brownies!

  • Lola7

    I would like cabbage to taste like bubblegum because I dont like cabbage.

  • ani,

    i dont really like broccoli that much so yaaaaaaay

  • Isabella Mcmurchi

    sweet i hate broccoli so this would be for me.

  • chloecatz888

    Id like fish to taste like chicken

  • Bea321

    i would like to make salmon taste like vanilla cupcakes

  • Daniel_A

    I would like to change tomatoes for the taste of grapes!

  • RogerH

    How about the reverse, make things which are bad for you taste horrible ... but then Im an adult ;o)

  • tsd163

    wicked and weird

  • Jaffa cake

    No more brussel sprouts!

  • Ckck1145

    Awesome!! If I had one I would make spinach taste like sherbet

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