In September 1939, Britain entered into what would become the world’s most devastating war to date. Learn all about the events that changed the lives of millions in our World War 2 facts….

World War 2 facts

World War 2 facts

1. World War 2 was a battle between two groups of countries

– the “Allies” and the “Axis“. The major Allied Powers were Britain, France, Russia, China and the United States. The major Axis Powers were Germany, Italy and Japan.

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2. Before World War 2 began, Germany was ruled by a man named Adolf Hitler

Together with the Nazi Party, he wanted Germany to rule Europe. To gain more land and power, on 1 September 1939 German troops invaded Poland. After Hitler refused to stop the invasion, Britain and France declared war on Germany – World War II had begun.

3. During the course of the war, German forces advanced through Europe.

By the summer of 1941 they had invaded France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway, Greece, Yugoslavia* and the USSR*.


Did you know that we have a FREE downloadable Second World War primary resource? Great for teachers, homeschoolers and parents alike!

4. Millions of Germans were imprisoned and killed because they didn’t fit the image of the ‘perfect’ German

Hitler wanted to create what he thought was the “best” and strongest race – and to the Nazi Party, this excluded certain groups, such as Jews, Gypsies and those with physical and mental disabilities. In an attempt to eliminate a “racial enemy” outside of Germany, such groups were also persecuted in the countries invaded by German forces.

World War 2 facts

5. The group most heavily targeted by the Nazis were the Jews

Around six million Jewish people were killed during World War 2 in one of history’s most terrible events – the Holocaust. Racist in his views, Hitler blamed Jewish people for Germany losing World War I and claimed they were dangerous to German people and society.

6. Around the same time that Germany fought for power in Europe, Japan wanted to control Asia and the Pacific

In 1937 (before World War 2 had officially begun) under Emperor Hirohito, Japan attacked China, bringing the two nations into years of conflict.

World War 2 facts

7. The US didn’t join the war until 1941, when Japan attacked the United States

– at their Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. On 8 December 1941 (the very next day), the US declared War on Japan and, in turn, its German allies.

8. Some countries remained ‘neutral’ in World War 2

Such countries were Spain, Sweden and Switzerland – who chose not to join either side.

World War 2 facts

9. The Germans surrendered on 8 May 1945

In 1944, an Allied army crossed from Britain to free France from Nazi rule. One year later, Allied armies invaded Germany, forcing the Germans to surrender. After nuclear attacks on Japan’s major cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan also surrendered to Allied forces in August the same year. World War 2 had ended.

10. Around 64 million people died in World War 2

– that’s more than the entire population of the United Kingdom.
World War 2 facts

Find out more about the countries involved in World War 2 with our Germany, Japan and USA facts. Plus, learn about the life of Anne Frank, a young German girl who wrote a world-famous diary… 

With thanks to Dr. Matthew Thomas from the National Army Museum and Ian Kikuchi from the Imperial War Museum, London.
*Yugoslavia was a country established in 1918 in south-east Europe, which included modern-day Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
*USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or the Soviet Union) was a former country which included modern-day Russia, Ukraine and Estonia, as well as other socialist states.

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  • Aalyiah


  • rg

    this is so sad

  • hhhhh

    that is so cooooooool

  • WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Ishe

    I knew seven of them already but the three I learned were interesting

  • sad

  • JayElsie

    Totally awesome

  • JayElsie

    I loved it!!!

  • bob

    good website

  • dina

  • parkzilla123

  • jason

    it was so amazing

  • Jessica


  • 10hamster


  • The Croc


  • The Croc


  • Ines

  • Nines

  • martha


  • lily

    so sad so manny people died

  • urmomsxbox

    This is ok, it did help me with my work, but the layout could be better

  • Dinnnnnn

    Very nice

  • Pawsome

    interesting facts! really nice

  • Math

  • IAlexandra

    Nice, this really helped me with my school work, Thanks!!

  • Alexa

    This is nice, really helped me with school work, Thanks!! :D

  • sam

    you are sooo cool

  • chelsea

    wow so exciting

  • sam

    soooooo cool cool

  • star1112

    so you are good

  • Daniel


  • kyle

    cool and interesting

  • Nice

  • Bash


  • Keryn

    Very Interesting

  • zoe

    it was amazing learning about this.

  • Girrafe


  • My name is She


  • yes

  • Ibragim.zhemukhov


  • dodododo


  • Wow

  • Jay

    this was a great website

  • nice

  • Hazel

    Love them really helped my research

  • Katie

    Coolest website ever

  • Good job on the article, maybe include some more information on events though.

  • zyriyab5

  • Izabella

    Let's take action!

  • No


    like it

  • john

    sad stuff guys

  • mikey

    Sad but cool

  • Jose Miranda

    It was a transcendental event for humanity that we must avoid repeating because today there is greater military power and with several countries that have nuclear bombs. It would be a universal disaster without losers and winners.

  • your mom

    this website is pretty good!


    Really good facts helped a lot on my project :]

  • max

    good job homework is easy and fun

  • noni

    Hey thanks nat geo! the facts were really interesting and helped alot with my project :) cya soon in another comment section:P

  • bob


  • Bob

    This is very nice it help me so much.

  • cool

  • Jayden Ta

    Thank you Nat Geo, you helped me with my project!

  • person

    amazing but sad

  • lazer


  • love it

  • saskia

    I learned so much from this and it really helped me with my task

  • saskia ❤


  • TomTom

    nice facts

  • Dennis R. Hall

    3/ & in Africa they invaded Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, British Somaliland; & and Britain in the Channel Islands; 6/ & Italy wanted to control large tracts of Africa to include Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti & British Somaliland. 8/ Portugal was neutral and so was Eire: if the former held sympathies for Britain the latter was a non belligérant sympathiser of Nazi Germany to the extent of mourning Hitler’s death, generously welcoming German children after the War Marshall Plan funds asssisting the war weary countries, and responding to an invitation to join NATO with a “....only if you give back our six counties”. Who needs enemies with friends like that ?

  • zakaria

    you guys are nice

  • Good info it is very useful

  • GreenieTurtle

    Loved the facts!

  • Skylar

    This was very helpful, thank you!

  • g.f.s.

    my great-grandmother fought in WW2 aged only 15, and survived ! :)

  • Mugisa Nicholas

    Facts are true

  • very true

  • ggggg


  • Cool Yutao

    Those facts are very important and I think it is very interesting.

  • Catlover

    Just sad on how many people died

  • Jaclyn


  • kittenlife02

    this was really helpful for school work!!!! And Hitler was the worst.

  • aimee

    thank you for teaching me more stuff about ww2 so i can bring it back to school as homework

  • I think I have learnt about more world war 2 facts because we're learning about it

  • Yazdan

    That I did not know but is was pretty scary and sad

  • hannah

    this has told me alot more about ww2 than i knew. thank you!:)

  • Nicholas

    These facts really have helped me on my homework!

  • Furqan

    awesome research

  • Takula


  • Reha

    I love this work

  • Reha

    There are lots of different facts

  • eleri

    they were really interesting as we are doing world war 2 as our topic when we go back to school

  • Kiera

    I love history and learning about World War 2 all of these facts were very interesting. I love to look at World War 2 facts because it is so much fun to learn about history it is sooooooooooooooooo mkuch fun to do. Thavnks for making this website and I loved it . Thanks again for making this website it is so much fun to learn abut history!!!!!!!!!!!

  • skye

    this is good info

  • Fjj

    Excellent work with your facts.

  • tuck

    thanks for the info

  • Lolly

    Thanks for the help

  • Siham

    Cheers for the facts

  • RileyRoo!

    I love to learn about ww2 very interesting!

  • brannon

    very intresting

  • John

    good info I liked it

  • harry

    very good info it helped me

  • good info

  • seb

    gooooooood information

  • chicken

    very good info

  • hi


  • Gyctfcghvbhbhu

    I learnt so much today

  • psa8000

    wow i did not know that

  • Thanks for the information. Helped a lot

  • Tashiya

    I learned so much

  • cheers for the key facts !

  • pinkypop10

    i have some newspaper clippings from then they are very interesting

  • Queen

    Wow.... It's very cool .but it must have been had living those days

  • D

    It must of been really bad to live in those days

  • Luke

    my Grandpa Percy was in the wold war 2

  • Ericaamarteifio

    That is sad news in the war.

  • Dule

    Just amazing

  • qwertyuiop


  • Ellie

    i love history

  • Lily

    I think that the world should be peaceful

  • Lucy

    Helped me with projects



  • emmaaaaa

    this was great help when i did my project and i got an A

  • Palmbeachwinterseminar

    I loved this article because it gave me a lot of information

  • sea monster

    I love this website, so much info

  • Fergus

    Awesome I really needed this

  • Fergus

    Thanks i really needed this

  • Jasper


  • Faizan

    Has a lot of useful information and a lot of facts, I would give it a ten out of ten

  • Mixed

    Nice Information Very Helpful

  • faith stancil

    great information

  • Elissa

    Wow! Thanks, NatGeoKids.

  • zack

    good detail.

  • popcorn chicken

    this helped me so much

  • nightcorelover33

    wow interesting

  • Ella123456

    World War 2 was a terrible and historic event of our planet.

  • Sam9999999

    I am cool

  • cui

    I think it could be better with what the people did when they were at home and what was the daily routine

  • estefani


  • Koreylikesbory

    So cool

  • connor


  • Greta2005


  • abdi123

    i have no idea wht I am

  • konikiea


  • abel


  • cool686748


  • Spooky

    so cool

  • Cowens451


  • War5434

    So cool

  • Bimbo


  • rainbow-art


  • coolnoah12

    cool site

  • player




  • galarze

    man this people didnt know the war was going on and they where working tss

  • damian

    its cool


    Sweet! My topic is WW2 so I need to do some research! UUUUUHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • lion04


  • giraffeeee


  • Dolphiriser

    Ty soldiers rip

  • bambie

    awesome dude so cool man cant believe it dud hahahahaha

  • kopi



    this is awesome,how did they make this.....

  • Lol mania

    Lo long

  • Gracie

    I think it was really neat that you could get all the info.

  • taytay0454

    very interesting

  • zacccccccccccccc

    this is a cool acritcle

  • vunu


  • 1734


  • Harrison_Du

    It was really really interesting .

  • MLGnoscoper


  • MLGnoscoper


  • lamayia4186

    amazing story i have read

  • bee

    war war why does it has to be war

  • Poppy

    This is so cool helped me with my power point and homework . Its awesome , cool , fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Keah

    Shibin high

  • Keah

    This helps

  • Keah

    This really helps



  • Lucy age 7

    I dont no what to say wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • izzbizz



    Thanks for the help

  • Buzzy-Bea


  • Buzzy-Bea

    Very helpful

  • Buzzy-Bea


  • Buzzy-Bea

    Cool! Really helped with my homework. I really hate Hitler now!

  • bddgfshhhhhcf


  • Scorpio195

    Great Really Helped Me With My Work

  • great_britain

    exellent page

  • Loll oil


  • temperwise


  • Suytanip

    This was awesome it really helped me with my homework

  • Kelcaycay

    Good help

  • kevin CHI


  • kevin CHI


  • ky


  • maisah

    wow I have leaned so much

  • Lolz1234

    This is very useful .

  • Eabha

    I am writing a story about World War Two and needed some facts, this was very helpful, thankyou! :D



  • jemima

    i love reading about ww2

  • JAMES4518


  • JAMES4518


  • jef


  • UNO

    YOU ARE BANANA BRO GET A LIKE MANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • sharkman


  • Kamryn

    Helped me a lot with my fictional writing thanks ngkids

  • wsth


  • dreanna1

    helps me with my project.

  • JS808

    awesome i used this for an essay and i smashed it with an A+

  • Evangeline

    Hey guys

  • Evangeline

    Anyone wanna be friends?

  • Evangeline

    Hey guys anyone wanna be friends?

  • Evangeline

    So sad!


    This is really good for my school project. =)(=

  • Whip nai nia


  • Whip nai nia


  • Whip nai nia


  • Hs

    Cool and amazing

  • random


  • Kitty36

    Helped me A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Kitty36

    It helped me alot

  • Jimmmm

    I like this. It tastes funky

  • homee


  • Jimmmm

    Hitler was a crazy psychopath

  • alishba


  • Ms_merf123

    I hate hitler but i love this avatar ehehe <3

  • ben

    Cool and great

  • melissa124

    it is the best for children

  • Ww2


  • Pandora

    I need 200 facts for my game board in 1 day my eyes hurt its homework

  • Xsnake Britans darkest hour :blitz ,V

  • amy21

    this helps me a lot

  • footiefan4000

    64 million! whoa thats a lot of numbers.

  • Eirini


  • Rupert


  • Anonymos

    This really Helped me!!!! thx

  • Coolcat61

    I wish that it was 20 facts but hey thanks ngk

  • anebelle

    It helps me

  • Bexpeddie

    Oh my goodness, National Geographic, you helped with my topic and homework once more. This article gives me so much information and tells me specificly what World War Two is all about.

  • emma-leigh

    i love it thank you soo much helps me with my homework of world war two thankks keep it up

  • FunCrazyGal

    This helped me with my year 6 homework!

  • oscar567

    go on Britain

  • mel


  • tonsoffun!

    lots of geat facts! Cool stuff!

  • Kopiop

    Hitlers mean!

  • Mia803

    I think it is great and the facts are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • embem

    why would Hitler take all of those innocent lives? I dont think he was kind at all!

  • carloine

    i think the website is very helpful

  • Hajera

    I really got my vision of World War 2! We are so lucky to be alive!RIP soldiers!

  • chunky_cheese321

    wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! didnt know that

  • Dillon

    that helped alot

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