Archives: Primary Resources

Wear it Wild art primary resource

Make a lion mask from recycled materials and packaging

Adjectives: English primary resource

Describe the nouns listed using some of the adjectives suggested on the worksheet

Ancient Egyptians primary resource

Discover some of the Ancient Egyptians’ greatest achievements
  • QUIZ

    What is the largest species of bird?

Rainforests of life: Geography resource

Explore the rainforests’ positive ecological impacts on the Earth

Mozart: Music primary resource

Learn about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s life, works and legacy

Animal language primary resource

Discover how gibbons use different sounding calls to mean different things

The brain primary resource

Learn some surprising facts about the human brain and how it functions

Life in the rainforest primary resource

Discover the animals, insects, plants and people that make the African rainforest their home

Marine life of Australia’s coast: primary resource

Discover the secret underwater world of Australia’s coastline

Brazil primary resource

Discover 30 cool things about Brazil; from its native animals to some of its impressive sports history
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