Country: New Zealand

Animal language primary resource

Discover how gibbons use different sounding calls to mean different things

The brain primary resource

Learn some surprising facts about the human brain and how it functions
  • QUIZ

    Who is the longest-reigning British monarch?

Brazil facts: discover this super-cool country!

From Rio de Janeiro to the Amazon rainforest!

Life in the rainforest primary resource

Discover the animals, insects, plants and people that make the African rainforest their home
General History

World War 1 facts

Nat Geo Kids travels back in time to find out more about a conflict that rocked the world…

Marine life of Australia’s coast: primary resource

Discover the secret underwater world of Australia’s coastline

The life and reign of King Henry VIII

Check out the fascinating life of this fierce monarch…

Brazil primary resource

Discover 30 cool things about Brazil; from its native animals to some of its impressive sports history
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