Country: New Zealand
Back-to-school crossword primary resource
How well will you tackle this tricky brain boggler…?
Jinxed! The Curious Curse of Cora Bell!
Richly illustrated throughout, this book is a the first of a very exciting magical new series from the talented author of Whimsy & Woe, Rebecca McRitchie.
Harp Seal Primary Resource
Get the lowdown on these amazing Arctic animals…
Daniel Radcliffe interview!
Our Staff Writer, Alex, met up with amazing actor, Daniel, to chat about his role in PLAYMOBIL: THE MOVIE…
Language facts primary resource
Discover 30 cool things about language!
Dr Jane Goodall interview!
Find out more about this amazing primatologist who has changed the way we see our closest animal cousins…
The 20th Century Primary Resource
Take a whistle-stop tour of this super century!
Pig Facts Primary Resource
How much do you know about these surprising swine?
Facts about the Moon!
Ready for a night time adventure? Then 3, 2, 1… Liftoff!
Funny Kid Slapstick!
Get set for an awesome new book in the best-selling series from author-illustrator Matt Stanton that’s got everyone laughing!