Every year on 22 April, Earth Day is celebrated around the world in over 192 countries. But this annual event is much more than a celebration – it’s an important day to raise awareness about looking after the environment.

If we want to keep our planet clean and safe for years to come, we need to reduce the amount of pollution we produce and fight against climate change. That’s why on Earth Day, over a billion people take part in activities to make the world a healthier place – from conferences and street marches, to art displays and beach clean-ups!

Learn about Earth’s incredible places, the environmental problems we need to tackle and the wonderful wildlife that need our help…

Earth Day

Why it’s time to take action!

Climate Change

We’ve all heard of it, but what is climate change and what is it doing to our planet?
Click here to learn more!

Plastic Pollution

Every year 8 million tonnes of plastic end up in our oceans. Discover the effects of this life-threatening litter – and what YOU can do to help!
Click here to learn more!

Earth’s unique habitats and special places we need to protect…

Ocean Facts

Did you know that 70% of the oxygen we breathe is produced by the oceans? We dive to the depths to find out more about our super seas…
Click here to learn more!

Rainforest Facts

Join on us on a journey through the jungle to learn all about this fascinating habitat and the creatures that live the there…
Click here to learn more!

Arctic Facts

As Earth’s temperatures rise because of global warming, Arctic ice is melting. Learn all about this incredible habitat and why we need to protect it.
Click here to learn more!

Glacier Facts

How can glaciers help us assess climate change? How much of our planet’s fresh water do glaciers store? Find out in our ten brrr-illiant glacier facts!
Click here to learn more!

Amazing animals in need of our help…

Polar Bear Facts!

Sadly, these vulnerable animals are suffering because of climate change. Find out what makes polar bears for special, and what we can do to help them!
Click here to learn more!

Orangutan Facts!

Discover fascinating facts about these awesome apes – including what they eat, where the live and why, tragically, they’re today on the endangered species list…
Click here to learn more!

Turtle facts

There are around 300 species of turtle and tortoise – and 129 are either vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered. We get the lowdown on these super swimmers.
Click here to learn more!

Panda Facts

panda facts

Did you know that today, there are only around 1000 pandas left in the wild? Join us on a trip to China to learn all about these incredibly cute bears!
Click here to learn more!

Honey Bee Facts

facts about honey bees

Over the past 15 years, colonies of bees have been disappearing, and the reason remains unknown! We take a closer look at these fab fliers…
Click here to learn more!

What we can do to help protect the natural world!

Five Top Conservation Tips

Discover five things you can do to conserve energy, reduce pollution and help protect endangered species.
Click here to learn more!

Top Tips to Reduce Plastic Pollution

Find out what YOU can do to reduce your plastic waste. A few small changes can make a huge difference!
Click here to learn more!

What do you think of our Earth Day features? What will you do on Earth Day to help protect our planet? Leave a comment below and let us know!




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  • Let's take action

  • dum


  • SharkyBoy!!

  • aaron

    wow LoL! |_ () |_

  • Cheryl

    This is gonna be AWESOME

  • Earth Day Challenge |

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  • Wednesday 22nd April | Woodlands Primary P5

    […] Did you know that today is Earth Day? Click on the following link to learn more about climate change, the impact of plastic pollution on our oceans, or habitats such as the arctic and the rainforest and the animals that live there!  https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/kids-club/cool-kids/general-kids-club/earth-day/ […]

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  • Wednesday 22nd April – Year 1 Badgers

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  • Wednesday 22nd April – Reception Squirrels

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  • Primary 3 22.4.20 | St. Joseph's Primary Linlithgow School Blog

    […] Today is Earth Day, a day when people all over the world take part in various different activities to raise awareness of how important it is to take care of our planet. If you would like to find out more you can read some facts on National Geographic Kids. […]

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