Steve Backshall interview!
NG KiDS catches up with wildlife expert Steve Backshall…
NG Kids chats with Deadly 60′s Steve Backshall to learn all about his encounters with some of the world’s most dangerous animals…
NG Kids: Hi Steve, what’s the most amazing animal you’ve encountered?
Steve: Hi NG Kids! There have been too many to pick just one, but one of the most remarkable creatures was a Humboldt squid, which we filmed for Deadly 6. It was larger than me and nearly sucked a chunk out of my head!
NG Kids: Which is the most dangerous animal you have filmed?
Steve: Wild animals are generally not dangerous to people unless they do something to threaten them. In Deadly 60 we look at their danger to other animals and the phenomenal abilities they show when they’re hunting prey. For instance, I just got back from filming thresher sharks in the Philippines – they have a tail that’s twice as long as their body which they use for thrashing and herding their prey. Yikes!
NG Kids: Do you ever get scared when you’re filming extreme creatures?
Steve: Yes, sometimes, but not of the animals you’d probably expect. I do a lot of work with venomous snakes and spiders and so those critters don’t scare me because I understand them very well. Whereas, large mammals like big bull elephants are about as frightening as animal encounters get!
NG Kids: Has anything ever gone wrong while you were filming your show?
Steve: Things go wrong all the time as you can’t predict how an animal is going to behave. But, luckily, I have a really good team around me and we all make sure we take care of each other.
Steve gets close with a venon-spitting cobra snake!
NG Kids: Can you tell us about one scary moment that stands out in your mind?
Steve: Sure, one day I was filming humpback whales in a sea kayak in Alaska. All of a sudden a pod of the whales came to the surface to gulp down mouthfuls of herring and very nearly swallowed me and my kayak as well!
NG Kids: What creature would you like to film that you haven’t had the chance to yet?
Steve: Oh there are thousands of creatures that I’ve still got to tick off my list. I’d love to film a blue whale, leopard seals in Antarctica, and get a really good sequence of wild wolves to put on my show, too!
Steve has a hairy moment when he handles this venomous centipede!
NG Kids: Where is your favourite place to film animals?
Steve: I love working in tropical rainforests because there are animals all around you and all you have to do is lift up a log and you’ll find something exciting! I also love visiting the Himalayan Mountains because they are so beautiful.
NG Kids: How can NG Kids readers get an exciting wildlife job like yours?
Steve: You’ll need to work really hard at school and pay special attention in science classes. In your spare time, learn as much as you possibly can about animals and the environment. Most importantly, never give up on your dreams!
Check out the Deadly 60 website to find out more, watch episodes on iPlayer and play Deadly 60 games!
Pictures © BBC
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go steve
good job
Wow that was interesting
In one of the DEADLY 60 episodes he saved fish that were stuck in a old fishing net, in the same episode some frog fish were trying to blend in with the cameras! It was so funny!
I like watching DEADLY60! It is so cool because you see really dangerous animals on TV!:)
I’ve never seen these videos before they’re really good and I never want to have ever again I don’t because it’s so amazing laugh out loud
They are amazing videos that are really awesome
That was really awesome watching the videos
i love watching deadly 60 and your new show fierce. I was one of the lucky people to attend your show at crown for my sisters birthday. deadly 60 gives you information about animals and facts while watching Steve taunt himself with our animals. SO thanks for your time i love all the things you do. from your BIGGEST FAN ME ,LYLA.
This was awesome! I absolutely loved the videos
That centipede was awesome
I love STEVE back shall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!also animals
awesome I really saw Steve Backshall on my tv awesome
I love your shows,'ve really inspired my love of animals.By the way,did you ever get to film the swordfish?Again, I'm your biggest fan!!!!
I love steve backshall!!!!!!!!!!! I also love animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved the 2and one it was good nice to see so many people that like animals as mach as me
Wow that was incredible well done steve
Steve Backshall is so cool! I can't believe he handles all those dangerous animals. LOVE HIM!
Deadly 60 is the best TV show you can watch! I would like to meet you Steve Backshall ( who wouldn't! ) I watched one whole season of deadly 60 in TWO WEEKS! Thats how much I LOVE THE SHOW!! Thanks Steve! - Merriam- maybe one of your biggest fan :)!
deadly 60 is epic never miss it for all the tea in China
great help for my homework:( not
Love it so much
THIS WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
soooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring i would eat a computer than watch this
watch deadly 60 neally every morning
soooooo cool
Your great
HA HA HA!!!! it was in his Wach! it was in his Wach !!! i Realy would not want to be bitten by one of those
Your articles are for when it absylutelo, positively, needs to be understood overnight.
This is awesome and fantastic.
I love Steve Backshell so much,he is my hero,I love Deadly 60 and Deadly pole to pole and all his adventures!
I love Steve Backshall! #HELPSAVEANIMALS!
hi steve i am your best fan
To Steve Backshall I love the title of the show.I wish I could have that title. I am your biggest fan!!!
i love your shows
i love you shows
He is fear less
Dear steav I gowin to be just like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. And this might sound weard to you that I am aredy bilding up a film croo. I am yuor bigest fane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that the films are very good
you you are so brave
That is so nerve racking! Even though Im 11 Im still scared of that.
wow steve i would never be like you!!!
I realy like it when I find facts about things.It tells me about lots of facts.
WOW! i love watching this!
Hi hi hi Your cool
Im doing an English project on my favourite celebrity I chose you
i am learning about plants and animals and we have to resherch a famous natruelist so i chose you!!
Amazing I love Deadly 60 + and Ive met Steve.
I love Deadly 60 so thank you for the interwiews and stuff.
I love Deadly 60 and some of the creatures they are fantastic thank you for the show.
I love deadly 60
cool very very very very cool!!!!!!!!
my fav is a green anoconda becuse of the lenth
WOW! I have to write a report about you for my homework and now I know what to write about
i could never be like you your amazing steven!!
wow i could never be like you steven
Me and my dad are like your biggest FANS
Dear Steve, my favourite animal is a snake and yours is a wolf, my dream is to see you in real life and be like you so I can be one with wildlife can you give me advise to be like you. So by the way Im your BIGGEST FAN IN THE UNIVERSE I would do anything to meet you. I have seen all of your shows of deadly 60 so far! I want to see you face to face from Maddy your biggest fan
you are the best!
Really liked thee hippo show, it was scary
Hi Steve I am your your biggest fan !
COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Steve you are so brave! I dont think I would ever do what you did! :-D
Hey Steve what type of job did you get to be on deadly 60