Early next year, two beautiful snow leopards – Nubra and Yashin – will be welcomed into their specially designed new home at Chester Zoo!

Sadly, snow leopards in the wild are in trouble – habitat loss, poaching, conflict with farmers and climate change mean their population is declining, fast. But Chester Zoo want to give these big cats a brighter future.

Their two new arrivals – a male and a female – are part of a global conservation breeding programme. It’s hoped the snow leopards will have cubs and will help save the species from extinction!

Right now, experts are busy recreating the big cats’ rugged mountainous home at the zoo. They’re building two spacious outdoor areas, complete with rocky outcrops, air-cooled caves, ledges and overhangs that mimic their Himalayan habitat.

Let’s learn some more about these incredible animals


Top ten snow leopard facts!

  • 1. Every snow leopard has a different coat! That’s how scientists work out their numbers using camera traps.
  • 2. Long, thick tails help them keep their balance on rugged terrain.
  • 3. The cats’ spotted coat is the perfect camouflage in both rocky and snowy habitats!
  • 4. Large, fur-covered paws help them walk on snow without sinking.
  • 5. Incredible jumpers, snow leopards can leap up to 9m – about six times their body length! That’s like you being able to jump more than half the length of a double-decker bus!
  • 6. Short forelimbs and long hind legs allow these cats to navigate their steep, rocky home easily!
  • 7. All snow leopards have pale green or grey eyes that help them see in changing light levels.
  • 8. Snow leopards live in the mountainous regions of 12 countries across Asia. They span nearly 2 million km2 – all the way from Bhutan and Nepal to Russia and Mongolia.
  • 9. Snow leopard mums look after their cubs for around 21 months – that’s much longer than other big cats.
  • 10. Stealthy hunters, snow leopards often stalk animals for hours before pouncing, using their strong front legs to capture their prey.

Snow leopard quiz!

How much do you know about these amazing animals?

How to save snow leopards…

One of the biggest threats that will affect snow leopards is climate change. Sadly, their snowy Himalayan habitat is warming at THREE TIMES the global average. Here’s how that could affect them…

  • Warmer weather means less snow – and without snow these cats could find it harder to hide. That could affect their ability to hunt and make them vulnerable to poachers.
  • – Climate change could make it harder for prey animals like ibex and bharal to survive. With less food for snow leopards to eat, the cats might be more likely to attack livestock, causing conflict with humans.
  • – As the mountains get warmer, snow leopards may have to climb higher to find cooler spots – which could be exhausting for the cats.

Poster competition

We want you to create an amazing snow leopard poster that inspires people to take action on climate change!

The winning poster will go on display in the snow leopard enclosure at Chester Zoo – and you and your family will get to go on a trip to see it and the snow leopards! Cool, right? You’ll even get £50 to
spend on food and drink at the zoo.

Click here to enter!

If you’re unable to enter via mobile, please try again using a laptop or desktop computer. 



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  • uUu mUm

    i lOvEE tHeM sLaYyY

  • aylatahi

    Yeah Sarah they are super duper cool!

  • Sigma

    Great facts love quiz

  • Maya

    Aren't snow leopards so cool

  • reese

    this snow lepert is so cute

  • Sarah

    Aren't snow leopards so cool!

  • Anyu

    Such a great animal

  • belmar


  • I love snow leopards

  • Bri

    I love this

  • wow

  • Lhart

    Astonishingly amazing facts - thank you so much they are so interesting. Also I entered the competition. When will we get the results? I am a huge fan of National Geographic kids I'm even been sub subscribed for one and a half years!

  • adriana


  • Taylor

    I love snow leopards

  • Brielle

    this is so nice learning about snow leopards

  • Lucy

    Hey,love your quizzies play them every day when I have got time

  • Amy

    Good idea

  • Mahalia

    Snow leopard need saving

  • Honey Johnstone

    Me and my friend Freya mwgadale tryed the snow leopard competition. She loves to draw and I have an extreme passion for animals so we thought that working together on it would make it great fun and good luck to anyone else who entered!

  • Ayra

    i hope the chester zoo helps!

  • leopards are the best \

  • Aoife pepper

    So cool! We have to save snow leopards

  • Lottie

    Amazing!never knew anything about snow leopards

  • Vanessa

    I absolutely love Snow Leopards!! They are sow majestic and beautiful,

  • Star

    I love that people are making an effort to protect these amazing creatures!

  • Calleigh


  • ll


  • Florence Woods

    I like snow leopards because they’re very pretty and cute

  • Adriaan


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