Country: Ireland
Follow your food!
We take a juicy journey through your digestive system!
Light Dancer!
Watch videos of a traffic light with a difference – a dancing red man!
10 facts about the Colosseum!
Learn all about the Colosseum of Ancient Rome!
The Water Cycle!
Earth has been recycling water for over 4 billion years…
Autumn Animals!
Check out our gallery of beautiful autumn animals!
NG KiDS Makes Yummy Chocolate!
We head to Ecuador to learn all about the secrets of chocolate!
The Ocean’s Weirdest Creatures!
You’ll meet some seriously strange creatures here…
Your Amazing Eyes!
Learn all about the human eye…
Tornado Facts!
Learn about one of nature’s most powerful forces!
How to Make a Mummy!
Discover how the Ancient Egyptians made mummies!