Forget Mog the Cat, these pesky pets are doing their best to put the “no” in Noël…

Cat owners. You know what it’s like. The tree is up, the smell of freshly-baked mince pies is wafting through the kitchen, and the level of Christmas spirit in your house has reached peak levels…

That is, except for one person. One disgruntled family member who can think of no better time to spread some Christmas HAVOC.

It is of course, the cat.

Perhaps it’s the way they’re sitting, the way their tail’s twitching, or the way they attacked you when you tried to force them into those oh-so-cute kitty antlers… But something tells you, this Christmas will not be merry – not if the cat can help it, anyway.

1. The tree ninja

Cats that tried their best to ruin Christmas

That tree you bought? It’s on its side. And those decorations? Consider them a distant memory, because half of them are wedged under the sofa and you don’t want to know what happened to that expensive one your mum loves so much…

2. The wrapping menace

Cats that tried their best to ruin Christmas

Cats are fickle creatures – earlier they paid you no interest whatsoever, but now the wrapping paper’s out, they’re all over you like a rash. We’re not sure what they enjoy more, standing inconveniently on the paper as you try to fold it or ripping and biting the corners of the parcel that just took you 20 minutes to wrap…

3. The box fiend

Cats that tried their best to ruin Christmas

If Christmas is a time for giving, then we always know what to give the cat. What is it about the critters and their little bunkers of corrugated paper? You bought them that pricey sheepskin bed last year which they’ve slept in all but once, but since unwrapping that DVD player all they’re interested in is that four-walled brown square! Cats are weird, eh?

Did you know that we have a FREE downloadable Christmas Quiz? Test your knowledge on all things festive!

4. The light lover

Cats that tried their best to ruin Christmas

Not only is this something of a fire hazard, it’s also downright annoying. Tangled Christmas lights really are much harder to unwravel when there’s a cat coiled in the middle of them.

5. The “present” giver…


We don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but a cat’s idea of a good gift leaves a lot to be desired. A dead robin (at least it’s sort-of Christmassy…) or an unpleasant surprise in your shoe will be the best you can hope for this Christmas.


6. The Christmas-cheer crusher

Cats that tried their best to ruin Christmas

To Christmas-loathing cats, watching your owners enjoy themselves swaying and singing along to ridiculous Christmas carols only adds another strike to that letter they’ve been threatening to send to the RSPCA.

7. The guest assailant

Cats that tried their best to ruin Christmas

You think you get it bad having to put up with Aunt Tracey for one whole day a year, but at least you don’t have to sit on her lap all afternoon as she repeatedly flattens your hair down to your scalp and releases sprouty smells from under her skirt. Now do you see why the cat ends up attacking her before the Queen’s speech?

8. The turkey taster

Cats that tried their best to ruin Christmas

That hair you just found in your food? That’ll be from when I licked the turkey while your back was turned…

9. The present wrecker

Cats that tried their best to ruin Christmas

That cool new jumper you got? That t-shirt you’ve been looking forward to wearing? You’ve only had it a mere five minutes and it’s already been covered in fur and subjected to 20 minutes of intense clawing, not to mention the chewing…

Did you know we have a FREE downloadable Christmas crafts primary resource? Great for teachers, homeschoolers and parents alike!

10. The scratcher

Cats that tried their best to ruin Christmas

Thinking of leaving presents under the tree this year? Do so at your own peril! That space between the floor and the bottom branches is no longer safe. Not only is the trunk a fantastic scratching post but it’s also apparently the perfect spot to mark one’s territory… Yes you know what that means. All presents, gift bags and bow-topped parcels will be destroyed without warning. Sigh.

11. The celebrity

We’ve all come to know and love Mog the Cat, who spectacularly almost ruins Christmas in this year’s Sainsbury’s ad, but we can’t help but wonder if they’ve just given a nation of Christmas-hating cats more fuel for the fire. What if Mog’s antics become fashionable and they all want to have a go? Beware cat owners, you have been warned!

For some fab feline fun, play our cool cats memory game!




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  • Karolina


  • Zain

    That was funny

  • Ella

    This is acctually very cool and interesting

  • Ella

  • Tiffany

    Crazy cats!

  • Twilight SPARKLE

    Haha Cats Are The Best

  • Fluff

    This why cats are the best

  • :)

  • grace



  • Benji

    aww!! so cute! these cats didn't ruin Christmas, they made it better!!

  • Trisha

    AWESOME! I liked the video alot!!

  • rose

    so silly ! :) :) :) :)

  • puffefish

    i love cats !!!!!!!!! my 2 acted like that on Christmas 2017 which was their first Christmas! HILLAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Isa44

    Those cats where so cute and funny.That was the funniest thing I have ever read.

  • Lili

    Those cats were soooooooooooooooooooo funny!

  • Oscar

    This is the funniest seen in NATGEO kids I have seen so far......

  • aimee

    so cute xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • juju

    do not the cats

  • aubrey213

    I love cats. But this one was not a good cat he ruined their christmas.

  • epicburger123

    and funny

  • epicburger123


  • IndigoRiver

    i loooooooooooooooooooooooove cats i had one but it died my cat used to be the tree ninja

  • epiccheese1105

    So stinking CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • HappyGiraffe1


  • 123456789012345


  • theturtlebird

    Cat goals

  • abms

    cool amazing


    Mog you are cute I love ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Willowtip

    I dont have to suffer from that because I dont need a cat since next doors cat comes to see us all the time and we know hell be looked after if we dont let him in on Christmas. But these poor cats mean no harm- just bribe them away from Christmas trees and presents with food.

  • Fatchinchilla

    I am a pie =P

  • Fatchinchilla

    Ha lol that was funny

  • zaynab

    Pore kitty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Missy Munch

    The sainsburys advert is sad but happy at the end. Also, Mog looks like my cat!!

  • k

    HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Pride9998

    imma cute thing lol i play AJ!!!

  • tila

    cats cause trouble!!!!

  • Tilly_Cooke

    Mpg is so cute!

  • llllpppppp

    love it

  • Jan6

    Best video ever

  • jwhflw

    LOL hope your fine!!!!

  • jwhflw

    How awful I hope it didnt cause too much damage!!!!!!

  • jwhflw


  • Erin

    Ha ha ha LOL So funny especially the cat white the box

  • sergio

    sad but nice

  • 2Kittiez4Me

    I love it! So Cute! :3

  • Summerstar


  • Ryan15

    It was good

  • Ryan15


  • Holly-Anne

    I REALLY LOVE THIS!!!!!!! It couldnt describe my youngest cat more, especially the one about the wrapping paper......

  • Tannerhornet06


  • Alollie

    Mog was sooooooo funny I really laughed when he went on the fan and when he destroyed the food!!! lol

  • kittenclaw


  • Sharky_Ninja

    Aww... I love cats!

  • Theta


  • Break-free

    I love the mog sainsburys advert

  • omari


  • Melanie


  • laura2005


  • temi


  • fluffyflippers


  • mahima Ali 123


  • Garnet

    So Cute! I loved the ending!

  • rubyu

    That video was fantastic!. Mog the cat was a naughty cat.

  • Squeaky


  • Lucinda

    SOOOOOOOO COOOOLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Rey

    My friend has a cat and two kittens! Imagine how hard Christmas must be at her house! I myself have a dog that ate my new pen!

  • ismail


  • ismail


  • ismail


  • ismail

    i llove it

  • ismail


  • ismail


  • ismail

    ha ha ha ha!!! lol

  • Mog

    The video is so cute

  • sophie123

    SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • PaddyPawsPlayTime

    I should know. My kitten is exactly like this!

  • Buffy

    Merry Christmas everybody!!!

  • Fleur0507

    Omg did not ruin christmas he had saved the day.

  • emaanfn

    Go on to animals find and click cats who ruined christmas go to the bottom and click Mogs christmas calamity

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