10 facts about bottlenose dolphins
Learn all about this magnificent marine mammal!
Take a deep breath, gang, and join Nat Geo Kids as we learn ten fab facts about one seriously splash-tastic sea creature – in our bottlenose dolphin facts!
Facts about bottlenose dolphins
1) Bottlenose dolphins are marine mammals that live in tropical and temperate oceans (oceans with mild temperatures) around the world. This includes the waters off the UK and Ireland, where you can spot them swimming and playing in bays and river estuaries!
2) These beautiful creatures have a short thick beak (as their name suggests!) and a curved mouth, giving the appearance that they are always smiling. They are usually grey in colour, and measure around two to four metres in length.
3) Social creatures, bottlenose dolphins travel in groups, called “pods“, of around 10-15. In these groups they play and hunt together, as well as cooperate to raise young dolphin calves and help each other.
4) Bottlenose dolphins are super swimmers, gliding through the water using their curved dorsal fin on their back, a powerful tail and pointed flippers. They can reach speeds over 30km an hour and dive as deep as 250m below the surface!
5) These cool creatures are awesome acrobats, too, and can be seen flipping (or “breaching“) out of the water. In fact, they can launch themselves up to five meters out of the water before crashing back down with a splash! There are different theories as to why they do this – it could be to get a better view of things in the distance, clean parasites off their bodies, communicate with other pods or just for good fun!
6) Although they live underwater, the bottlenose dolphin must come up to the surface to breath air. It breathes through what”s called a “blowhole“, a hole at the top of its head. These clever creatures can open this hole when inhaling and exhaling out of the water, and close it when below the ocean surface. They can hold their breath underwater for around seven minutes.
7) Bottlenose dolphins are kings of communication! They send each other messages in different ways – they squeak and whistle and also use body language, leaping out of the water, snapping their jaws and even butting heads!
8) These magnificent mammals also produce high-pitched clicks to help them navigate and find food – a process called “echolocation“. When the clicking sounds hit an object in the water – such as a rock or fish – they bounce back to the dolphin as echoes. From this, the super swimmers can work out the location, size and shape of the object. Cool, eh?
9) Carnivores, our finned friends eat mostly fish, but will also eat crustaceans such as shrimp and squid, too.
10) Thankfully, bottlenose dolphins are not classed as endangered. However, illegal hunting, fishing nets and pollution pose threats to these incredible creatures.
Love reading about sea life? Then be sure to check out our Humpback whale facts!
Image ⓒ Picture of dolphin stretched out above water: Photograph by Kjersti Joergensen, Dreamtime. Picture of a dolphin closeup in water: Photograph by Michael Price, Dreamtime. Picture of a dolphin jumping: Photograph by Avslt71, Dreamtime.
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wow so cool
I love this it helped me alot with my research on endangered animals!
I love bottlenose dolphins now that I know about them! Thank you!
I LOVE dolphins I did a speech on them once.
totes cool!!!!
I like the dolphin’s name .
i love all species of dolphins and i guess you can call me an expert cool from emily
cool ya!
Hello cool people
I live near a bottle nose Dolphin
Dolphins are great petshttps://www.natgeokids.com/wp-content/themes/natgeokids/images/badges/2.png
love them sooo much
love them
I love dolphins so much now
i like this websight
This is my fact about dolphins
i love animals espeshaly dolphins
dolphins rule! They are really COOL!
Dolphins are my favourite animal these facts were really interesting.
WOW!!!! Awesome dolphins . I really LOVE reading about the dolphins . # I LOVE DOLPHINS!!!!
dolphins mum and dad baby is 1.
i love dolphins at one point they were my favourite creature please TAKE ACTION
I love dolphins so much.
i learnt so much about bottlenose dolphins it was fun doing a report on them
my favorite animal is a dolphin
Amazing facts great for school projects
I love dolphins i did a report on them.
dolphins are awesome
ilove dolphins
OMG Dolphins are my favourite animals... Please guys I've got a dolphin Idol called winter who lives in florida.. See her on webcams at Seewinter.com. Did you know Dolphins only partly sleep so they can get to the surface for air?
loving it
i love it
i love them
I think a dolphin should be a man's best friend instead of a dog.
Dolpins are cute
Excellent facts and helped me with my homework!
it is amazig
So interesting
It's amazing that they can dive 250m!
It is so amazing how the Bottlenose dolphins are super swimmers and they can reach speed over 30 km an hour.
I love dolphins because they are very friendly
awesome facts
your website is amazing and your facts are fantastic
I love it
I <3 dolphin! SO CUTE and they live in AUSTRALIA! (where i live)
Great info
i love bottle nose dolphins they are so kawaii
I love nat geo kids
so amazing yous!!! how did you figger out all that
This helped a lot for my research
I likez dolphinz theyz coolz
I love bottlenose dolphins!
i like dinosores he he
your the best and hi
Love dolphins
Dolphins are fun, and I had notes from this. Very Cool. GG
XD this is what my teacher said LOL
Love it
LOL !!!!
Wow I never new that
i love this web
Hannah very very funny
I luv dolphins
I love wild animals!
dolphins are cool
the dolphins are so cute!!!! and veryyyyy beautiful!!!
This is cool. This information is very interesting. I like dolphins, they are good animals and this information is very complete. Thanks!
I love dolphins!!! I think that they are awesome! Thank you for this info,it is very interesting. I swam with dolphins and it was a unique experience! Part number 5 was very interesting:) Thanks
This is awesome. The dolphins are greate animals . Ilove it
I love investigations with dolphins my dream is swimming with dolphins I love them
i love dolphins amazing facts the dolphins are beautiful
the dolphins are beautiful inteligent cool and very funny
i love dolphins
awesome facts about the dolphins.the dolphines are so cute and very beautiful!!!
I love dolphins.They are cute
That was womderful, I like very much dolphins and I think they are very sweet and beautiful
they are awsome
they are cute
Dolphins are so cute. Good facts about dolphins.
I love this website it has all the pros but I would really like a video to give me more info... Thank you for all the facts but that video would hook me on to the site. Im going to go read more, bye!
I love dolphins
Thank You National Geographic for helping me on my project!Thank You a million!!!!
I luv dolphinz
cool ilove dolphins
Wow it is brilliant
Dolphins are amazing
This helped me on my report.Some things that were here I didnt know at all
so cute
Thanks! this had really good facts about Bottlenose dolphins
I love dolphins
i love national geographic
soooo cute
i love bottle nose dolphins!!!! these are great facts about bottle nose dolphins.
i love love love love dolphins
i love bottlenose dolphins
Dazzling dolphins!
im using this for a projet thx !
I think they are awesome
wow i didnt know that
So cool!
like it
This helped me to do a project that I had only 5 days left to do. Thanks sssssssssoooooooooooooo much
Cool! Im using this info for a project and I got an A*!!!! So good!!!!!!!!
what do they eat
awesome facts about dolphins
cool !!!!!!!!!!!
can you make ten facts about spinner dolphins
cool i found this useful
cool I love dolthins
cool I love dolthins
Dolphins are so cute and very smart.
Dolphins can get rotbot tills
Bottle nose dolphins are really smart
Dolphins are so cute but here is another thing you need to know we cannot pollute their areas because they can die and become instinct
wow wish geckos could have the most vots
I love dolphins
Cool and awesome
stupid dont give enough information
i like turtles o-o
You Will Now Experience Some Seriously Bad Dajavu MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I Have Met You Before! TROLOL!
Bottlenose Dolphins are my favorite animals that live in the sea!
its interesting
dolphins are cool
Dear Techie Kids,The video you posted is fatnsatic for hearing all the different clicks and whistles that dolphins make! It is pretty amazing that they can tell where fish are, and where they are going, just by listening to the echo that bounces off them.One interesting fact about dolphins is they sleep by resting just one half of their brain at a time, with one eye open. This way they can see if predators are coming and they can also rise to the surface to breathe while they are asleep!I lived in the tropical country of Belize for about a year so I got to see some dolphins, but lots of bats! Belize has lots of rainforest covered hills with limestone caves in them, and I explored some of the caves. There were always bats hanging from the ceiling that I could look at close up with my headlamp. Some of them would be flying around in the cave in total darkness, and they would zoom right in front of me. All of a sudden I would see them flash through the light from my headlamp, just inches from my face. It was very cool!Thanks for another excellent post!Your blogging buddy,Mr. Salsich
it helped alote
so grat
this is cool aswome
science project this site helped
LOL to bottlenose dolphin
I love pink dolphins
love websit
Dolphins are cool
I love the ocean
I like sharks
I love Dolphins.
I adore these Dolphins so much so lovely
i love whales
Nice <33
amazing facts and pictures I wish you had videos
I love Dolphins
Good for children to learn
loved it
Dolphins,are pretty cute
I love dolphins!
Never heard of them before but they seem very cool and unique !!
cool! i love dolphins x
I cant find where they are from can you tell me where dolphins come from please thank you
Thank you for the facts
Dolphins are amazing
SMACKADOO!! I just dropped my toasty warm waffles thinking about these dolphins, crikey these are some mind boggling facts arent they!!!
Please have an article with more facts. Although this was a little helpful.
Thank you so much! in school we have a thing were you pair up with someone in your class and you get to be teacher for an hour! I am doing it with my my friend coz we both love dolphins
Dolphins can really rule anything anytime. So long all other underwater Creatures!!! Please people talk more about Dolphins. And dolphins, be more awesome!!!
really nice
Be awesome some more Dolphins!
Dolphins rule the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so awesome. Love it!!!
love it
these r adorable
i love dolphins becaus than look plttey
i love some dolphins and we help than live forever
We need help for a project and we need to find out how the bottlenose dolphin develops can you please help us
I think dolphins are great because of what I have learned! I am writing about dolphins in school and this really helped me!
I have to do a project on them.they are very cool.how do you like them
i wish dolphins were not getting cought in the fishamans nets
Love it so much want more
I love dolphins there so cute
How did u manage to take those photos?
this really helped me on my research paper for fifth grade. i got a perfect A+!
This was good information thank you to the people who made this
WOW amazing .....................
Thanks for all the info. Really helped me on my project!!!!!!
Love these facts!! Very informative
cool facts about dolphins
Thank you so much for all of this wonderful information! It has helped me so much on my current reseach report for 8th grade!
i love this website.
i love this website because it helps me on my reasearch.
I loved the facts thanks
Helped me so much with my report on animals
I love dolphins there the best. Thanks for the facts.
Thank you so much for this information, Go Bottlenose Dolphins! lol :)
thanks for these facts !!!
Dolphins are one of my favourite animals.They are wonderfull and should be free
Ive always wanted to learn about dolphins!!!!!!!!!!!!
dolphins are awesome and i want one as a companion for life!!!!!!!!!!!can someone get me one please STAT!
I love dolphins they are so cute!
Dolphins are my favourite animals
thanks for the info!
Very Interesting
I love dolphin and this was really good information
Thats amazing!
I love DOLPHINS they are the best
Cool. So thats where they get there name from.
I love this website I wish there were more websites like this one
i like the facts even i like dolphins
Dolphins are my favourite wild animals! I love baby bottle nose dolphins!
Dolphins are awesome My BFF loves them so much, No I do too! LOL! Beautiful, Playful animals Thank you so much :-)
These creatures are amazing!!!
Dolphin are super cute and very adorable beings I wish I could swim with them. They could be my pets. THEY ARE SO CUTE ! ! ! !
mammals hey!!!!!
I love dolphins! They are so cute!
That was amazing thank you AND I love dolphins
dolphins are my favourite animal and these facts are great! : )
I love dolphins so much! They are sooo cute!
Cool sure I will check out your humpback whale song and facts !