Nat Geo Kids’ Teacher Appreciation Day 2018!
Thank you teachers!
Each month, we ask our readers all over the country to nominate terrific teachers to be our National Geographic Kids Teacher of the Month. We receive hundreds of entries from pupils telling us why their teacher is super special, and why they deserve to win our fab prizes – a subscription to National Geographic Kids magazine for a class of up to 30 pupils, plus a £100 Love2shop voucher for their teacher!
It’s so hard to choose a winner every month from all the wonderful nominations, so for Teacher Appreciation Day 2018, we’ve decided to share all of April’s entries!
Thank you, teachers!
Congratulations to this month’s winner Mr Robbins and all the teachers nominated for our Teacher of the Month competition! Don’t forget you can see our full list of winners so far here.
We hope that we can make your challenging jobs a little easier with our FREE downloadable teaching resources online in our curriculum-mapped Primary Resources section! Why not take a look?
Check out the full list of nominees, and why their pupils nominated them, below:
Mr Robbins nominated by Tânwen:
“Mr Robbins is the oldest working teacher at school. He is the most exciting and interesting one too.
We have learnt lots of things in his lessons about London and its transport through the ages (and I love History because of this).
He does very funny voices for the characters when he reads from books at the end of the day.
He is the world’s worst artist (he says this too!) as when he draws people they look like jelly that are being splattered by water guns.
But he is also very brave, as he is the only one what will feed our Dragon, that hatched during our project work, jelly for its meals.
His favourite football team is Liverpool FC, I prefer rugby but it’s OK he likes football.
He is the best teacher EVER! I wish he could be my teacher throughout my life.”
Mrs McMillan and Mrs Murray nominated by Alex:
My teachers are great because they are friendly and kind, except when people are naughty.
Mrs McMillan takes us outside to the outdoor classroom and we look at lots of things in the environment. Our class is going to be the school gardeners for this year. We look at flowers, recycling rubbish, pulling weeds, planting trees.
Mrs Murray is also doing an ancient Egypt project with us. I love ancient Egypt. Mrs Murray loves to make it fun and exciting. She has even got lots of things to make Egyptian necklaces.
My teachers even came into school on their weekend to help make the forest classroom. My daddy and I helped too.
They are very nice teachers.
Mrs Reynolds nominated by Lily:
Hi, I’m Lily and I’m going to tell you about my teacher: Mrs. Reynolds. Mrs. Reynolds is a very odd teacher- she has a very different way of doing things. She always engaged the class. She doesn’t teach at us, she teaches with us. She shows her working on big flip sheets or on the interactive whiteboard. By doing this, she caters for each student’s individual needs. She also makes us enjoy the day by making tons of jokes and letting us have a quick run around if we become fidgety. My class have never had a teacher like her. I love my teacher and I’m sure all 31 of my classmates would agree. Please let us win this competition- Mrs. Reynolds 100℅ deserves it. Thank you.
Mrs Milward
Mrs Milward is a young teacher who only joined our little school last year. She has just got married and is always very happy. She inspires us with her teaching and interesting facts. She loves animals and always encourages us to be nice and look after the planet. Mrs Milward is a very fair teacher and deserves the recognition that winning this competition will bring. This will be my last year in her class and although I will be sad to leave, she has pointed me in the right direction!!
Ms Smith nominated by Alanna:
Ms Smith is the best teacher ever! This year she taught us about the Rainforest, and we drew pictures of Toucans. We also studied about the Vikings, and I got to be a Viking Warrior Princess. My favourite thing was when we had a Geography Day and we all dressed up as people from different countries. I was a Flamenco dancer from Spain. Ms Smith makes school and learning so much fun!
Mrs Thomas nominated by Alessandro:
Mrs Thomas is the best because she has helped us a lot preparing for our SATS and she is about to become a mummy for the first time!
Miss Lewis
Miss Lewis is a great teacher because she looks after everyone is in the class. She is kind and cheeky sometimes! Once when we found our hidden Easter eggs she hid them again. She is really good at teaching us Welsh and we love her. Diolch Miss Lewis :).
Mr Walkden nominated by Iris:
My name is iris my teacher’s name is mr walkden, and I think he should win this prize because he is the most caring loving teacher in the world but also fun amost every day he goes on to you tube and put a just dance video and we all dance together as a class. That’s why I think Mr.A.Walkden should win the prize.
Miss Haynes
My form tutor Miss Haynes is awesome because she is extremely funny, very patient and invents really fun and exiting ways of learning long division in maths, also we made a cafe for all the year six parents to learn about the bugeting and costs to show real applications for maths. We raised £157.88 for our school trip!!!!
I have had Miss Haynes for history and we made cardboard models of Norman castles and painted them!!!!!
Teacher nominated by Grace:
I like my teacher because she is funny and she teaches the best lessons like writing. Whenever I go to school she makes the lesson fun and I remember everything she has taught me. She took us to Woolsthorpe Manor to see where Isaac Newton was born and to learn about gravity. Isaac Newton discovered gravity under an apple tree. My teacher has dogs as pets and I think dogs are cute.
Mrs Reader
The reason I think Mrs Reader deserves to win is because she is always there for you and she sometimes says my brain is full of unicorns and rainbows but instead of trying to get rid of it she encourages it.
Mrs Prus nominated by Emily:
My name is Emily and my teacher is Mrs Prus and she is the best! The best thing is she is kind and fun. We have brain breaks where we play games. If we are good we can win chocolate. She listens to me and teaches us cool stuff. She makes us all laugh.
Miss Bishop nominated by Tim:
I Tim West would like to nominate my teaching assistant Miss Bishop. She is a yellow class teaching assistant. She has been my teaching assistant for 3 years and she is the best. She is kind, patient, explains everything clearly and is funny too. She is really hard working. She does a different sport activity at school in her own time after school every evening (monday – rounders, tuesday – zumba, wednesday – dodgeball, thursday -multiskills and friday – hockey). Recently she got us to run a mile a day as a school around the pitches until we had run as far as a school in Tanzania in aid of Sport Relief. She helped us work out how many laps we each needed to run and where we had run to. She would then explain to us where in the world we had reached and what that country was like. She also takes us to sport competitions on the weekends. She really deserves a treat and recognition.
Mrs Miller nominated by Jessica:
My name is Jessica and I would like to nominate my FBM (Future Business Magnates) teacher for Teacher of the Month. She is also my assistant head of year. She deserves Teacher of the Month because she is always there to talk to from the minute I arrive in school to the minute I leave. She helps you achieve your best but gives you encouraging advice on the way. Also, she is extremely generous as she will sit down, no matter if is at lunch time or break time, and talk to you about how you can push yourself further and improve your work. Mrs Miller spends countless hours thinking of fun and interesting things for us to do and makes even the less interesting things magnificent. I want to give something back to Mrs Miller and this is the perfect way to do so. She’s amazing and I hope you pick her for Teacher of the Month. Thank you for your time, Jessica,
Mrs Cox nominated by Freya:
I really love reading and Mrs Cox, my teacher, let me look through some old copies of the National Geographic KiDs magazines in school and even let me take some home for my reading. I hadn’t heard of the magazine before but I thought it was great and told my Mum all about and now I have my own subscription for it. So please let Mrs Cox win because without her I wouldn’t have found out about your great magazine.
Miss Arnall nominated by Simeon:
Miss Arnall is the best teacher, when my tooth fell out I went to get some tissue but accidentally dropped it down the toilet! Miss Arnall couldn’t let my tooth be flushed away so she was creative with some cardboard and managed to get my tooth from the bottom of the toilet. She is amazing.
She makes our lessons fun and interesting and takes us on brilliant school trips. She uses red, amber and green cups so she can see if we need help or not with our work. She reads us funny books like Georges ‘marverlous medicine’. She can write on the computer really quickly!
Miss Arnall looks after me and always makes time to listen or let us show things we are excited about. She has a big smile and I look forward to going to school to see her.
Miss Makeover
Miss Mckeever makes school great! She is kind and makes lessons fun. I love my teacher! She always has a smile and a buzzing spirit. She doesn’t yell ”SILENCE!” in every lesson and allows some whispering.
Miss Kalve nominated by Sophie:
Miss Kalve is great because she is funny, pretty and caring. She is good at every subject especially art and history. She has made our book corner look like a garden and decorated it all herself. We like hearing about her pet dog George. He is very funny, he even played the piano! She loves books and has lent me Warhorse to read.
Miss Sinnott nominated by Martha:
I think she is great because she has very creative and random ideas! She is very kind to everyone and she makes school a fun place to be! Since I have had Miss Sinnott I have been excited to go to school everyday and have had so much fun! She deserves this so much! She has let me and all my class to be able to have penpals and talk to other children in Canada. She takes everyone’s ideas in and often uses them! She is lovely, kind, pretty and the most amazing teacher ever!!
Mrs Arrol nominated by Noah:
Mrs Arrol is a great teacher who helps me and other people in my class. She helps me when I don’t understand the topics. She takes her time to go through them with me.
When we had the Beast of the East and all the roads were closed she still managed to get into school, she was one of the only teachers to make it in that day. Her favourite lesson is Geography and it is mine too. I would really like her to win this competition as she works really hard every day of the week.
Mrs Wilson Jones nominated by Gwendolyn:
Our teacher Mrs Wilson Jones is the best teacher ever!! Even though She shouts sometimes, but as they say She’s firm but fair. She lets us use the computers for work and for gold time on Friday. Even though we just get half an hour, but She’s still a brilliant teacher, the best ever teacher. And makes learning in class fun and interesting for all the four year groups in our class.
Ms Scotchbrook nominated by Bella:
Ms Scotchbrook is an amazing teacher because she makes learning fun . She’s kind and helps us when we get stuck . She’s always smiling and always positive.
Mrs Rabbani nominated by Jack:
Jack is a great fan of Mrs Rabbani “because she is very pretty, she has a beautiful smile and is kind. She has a lovely soft voice and is gentle but also strict when the children are naughty. She is the best teacher in the school and all the children love her. She is very clever and knows a lot about the world. She is the Best in the West!
Mrs Berrebi nominated by Shifra:
Mrs Berrebi is the best teacher in the world because she explains everything so well. Mrs Berrebi always smiles and teaches us all about the exciting world around us. Soon, we are going to do a project where we can choose our own country to research! Mrs Berrebi even makes boring topics fascinating! She even showed us how to make 3D shapes out of straws in maths. Mrs Berrebi is the best teacher! I hope she wins this competition because she really deserves it.
Mrs Howe nominated by Daniel:
My teacher is Mrs Howe, she is one of the best teachers ever and she is fab she does very fun lessons. Mrs Howe listens if I am worried about anything and always takes extra time to explain. Mrs Howe cares about the whole class. One time Mrs Howe bought me a maths book because I needed extra help with my maths. I hope Mrs Howe wins because she is the best teacher you would ever meet. Thank you
Mrs Gregory nominated by Sarah:
Mrs Gregory is very passionate about everyone’s work, she’s extremely funny and keeps us happy and motivated. She likes the outdoors and climbing just like me. When we did our woodlands topic she made it really enjoyable because she knew so much about it and was really enthusiastic.
Mrs Prag nominated by Cara:
Mrs Prag, my teacher is witty and great fun. Most importantly of all, she really cares about the environment and encourages us to care about it too. She takes us on fantastic field trips, like to the Alice Holt Forest Learning Centre, where we discovered fascinating facts about nature.
Furthermore, she is really good at art and kind and caring too.
Last of all, she always tells us to try our best at everything and never to give up.
Mr Care
My teacher is called Mr Care and he really cares about us and our learning. He always makes the learning fun by focusing on real life situations- we’ve learnt about Shackleton and the environment he survived in with his 99 dogs! He’s taught us about Mary Kingsley who was the first women to go to Africa so we learnt about the African continent. I think Mr Care should win because he’s funny, full of interesting facts that makes us all look forward to going to school every day! I started the school in September and he’s made everyday enjoyable to be with him.
Mr Tabner nominated by Jake:
My teacher, Mr Tabner helps you find a way to solve a problem easily, goes the extra mile to help (he does.) and he teaches you all the amazing facts about our topic.vMy best friend Kai aggrees with me.vHe also plans fun school trips like seeing the Southampton walls. He also makes fun ways to solve maths problems.
Mrs Crowther nominated by Rhys:
She helped me to learn at school and supported me if I needed it. She is the best teacher in the world. She is kind to me and everyone else in the class.
Mrs Lambert nominated by Nathan:
She is always there for us. She will make us smile when were sad. She makes a Horrible day Great!!!! We haven’t seen her lately as she has hurt her foot very badly. She really does deserve this. She is absolutely amazing. She helps us if we arwe stuck. She helps us get out of trouble, if we don’t think we deserve it.
Miss Edwards nominated by Alexa:
She is a great teacher because she is always nice to me and tells me I am doing good work and listens to me. She tells us fun facts about animals. My favourite thing was when she did mindfulness classes after school. I went with my sister and we learnt about breathing and mindfulness colouring and painted a pebble.
Mr Waters nominated by Rafaele:
I am Rafaele (Rafi) and I would like to choose my teacher, Mr Waters, for this prize. Mr Waters makes me want to be good in class.
Mrs Powell nominated by Siena:
Mrs Powell gets to know all of the pupils individually and we all love learning from her. She is just perfect!
Mrs Zarri nominated by Callum:
The reason I like my teacher is when I’m struggling to write a word she helps me to sound it out. She is a fun teacher. She uses Makaton to help me remember the stories. And she lets us do Zumba dances after our learning.
Miss White nominated by John:
Miss White is a great teacher because she makes my learning more exciting by organising trips to give our lessons more meaning. She uses super heroes which help us persevere because we can get prizes if we get the most.
She makes our learning visible by giving us good feedback and she helps me to see where I go next. We do tests at the end of each term and my score has improved a lot. If anybody needs extra help she gives up her break times to make sure that they get the help they need. She runs a homework club for anybody who finds it hard to do their homework at home.
My favourite lesson is science because she lets us do fun experiments eg we made our own boats and tested them.
She is also very funny and tells good jokes. That’s why I think she deserves to win teacher of the month.
Mrs Spicer
My teacher Mrs Spicer is a very kind very helpful teacher. She always gives me a smile and knows how to cheer me up when I am feeling down. She helps me with my work when I am struggling and she helps me with tests. Mrs Spicer also helps me when I am feeling down and have nobody to play with. Not only is she my favourite teacher because of the help she gives me but because of the support she gives me every day. She makes me happy to go to school even when I don’t want too. She gives me good jobs to do which makes me excited to go to school and she always tries to make me laugh. Mrs Spicer is my favourite teacher ever, and I love her very much.
Mrs Pople nominated by Finn:
The teacher I want to win is Mrs Pople, because she is brilliant! She never shouts, she explains stuff really well and she is really kind to everybody. She always has time to listen to us and makes learning fun. She has been my teacher for nearly two years and I will be leaving her to go to junior school soon and this would be the best present to show how much of a difference she makes.
Miss Wooding nominated by Rayhan:
My teacher Miss Wooding is very nice to us she marks our work fairly if we don’t know she will help us with or work she deserves to win i hope she does.
Mrs Charlton nominated by Harriet:
Mrs Charlton teaches RS and is a complete inspiration, she makes it fun and interesting too
Mrs Cambidge nominated by Annabelle:
Where do I start with Mrs. Cambidge?
She is kind, helpful and amazing. When I am sad she makes me feel better, she is always there to help me with my work!
She makes all of us laugh in class and we enjoy learning every single day!
Miss Turner
She is very encouraging, especially with music
Mr Williams
My teacher Mr Williams is the best. He is always nice and never gets cross. He makes our lessons fun, even topic which is boring. He makes us laugh and tells us funny stories. He is helpful and kind, if i don’t understand the work he always helps me till I get it. He is one in a million.
Mr Taylor nominated by Hannah:
Mr T (Taylor) is the best teacher because he is really funny and he lets us use real sweets for our maths and we get to take them home and eat them. He is caring and I can talk to him if I have a problem.
He likes sports and he makes us go outside even when the field is really, really wet and we have a great time.
He also takes us for forest School. We have toasted marshmallows and made s’mores ( a marshmallow sandwich) and made hotdogs. Children in Ash class made clay animals using the wildlife around them.
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