Imperial China primary resource
Discover the symbols, architecture and beliefs inspired by the different dynasties of Imperial China
This History primary resource introduces children to the history and culture of Imperial China. Discover the symbols, architecture and beliefs inspired by the dynasties of this time. What is the Chinese dragon a symbol of? How long is the Great Wall of China? How many clay soldiers make up the Army of Terracotta Warriors?
Pupils will learn about the historical influences on Chinese culture, who the rulers (dynasties) of Imperial China were and what their legacies are in our National Geographic Kids’ Imperial China primary resource sheet.
The teaching resource can be used in study group tasks for understanding the historical significance of events during this period of Chinese history. It could be used as a printed handout for each pupil to review and annotate, or for display on the interactive whiteboard using the illustrations and short snippets of information for class discussion.
Activity: Ask children to choose one of the subheadings in the resource and use the information and their own research to create a comic strip based on that topic, similar to the Terracotta Warriors comic strip provided. Pupils could make their own mini army of clay soldiers, like the Terracotta Warriors – each member of the class could make a figure of themselves, which could be displayed together as a ‘class army’ on completion. Children could choose one of the emperors mentioned in the resource sheet to research further. They could also complete the puzzles on the puzzle page.
N.B. The following information for mapping the resource documents to the school curriculum is specifically tailored to the English National Curriculum and Scottish Curriculum for Excellence. We are currently working to bring specifically tailored curriculum resource links for our other territories; including South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. If you have any queries about our upcoming curriculum resource links, please email: schools@ngkids.co.uk
This History primary resource assists with teaching the following History objectives from the National Curriculum:
- Know and understand significant aspects of the history of the wider world: the nature of ancient civilisations; the expansion and dissolution of empires; characteristic features of past non-European societies; achievements and follies of mankind
- Gain historical perspective by placing their growing knowledge into different contexts, understanding the connections between local, regional, national and international history; between cultural, economic, military, political, religious and social history; and between short- and long-term timescales
National Curriculum Key Stage 2 History objective:
Pupils should be taught about:
- the achievements of the earliest civilizations – an overview of where and when the first civilizations appeared and a depth study of one of the following: Ancient Sumer; The Indus Valley; Ancient Egypt; The Shang Dynasty of Ancient China
- a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history – one study chosen from: early Islamic civilization, including a study of Baghdad c. AD 900; Mayan civilization c. AD 900; Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300
This History primary resource assists with teaching the following Social Studies Second level objective from the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence:
- I can discuss why people and events from a particular time in the past were important, placing them within a historical sequence
- I can compare and contrast a society in the past with my own and contribute to a discussion of the similarities and differences
Scottish Curriculum for Excellence Third level Social Studies objective:
- I can explain the similarities and differences between the lifestyles, values and attitudes of people in the past by comparing Scotland with a society in Europe or elsewhere
- I can discuss the motives of those involved in a significant turning point in the past and assess the consequences it had then and since
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My sister and brother in law live in China i want to learn more about it before i go for a visit.
Really good resource! Great for the classroom
I Would like to study in China