The festive season is on the way, which means lots of fun, games, and of course, tons of amazing(-ly terrible) Christmas jokes!

So, whether you want to impress your mates, make your family laugh, or fill up your advent calendar with chuckles, count down to the big day with these 25 Christmas jokes for kids…

Funny Christmas jokes

Which of Santa’s reindeer has bad manners?


Who hides in a Christmas bakery?

A mince spy!

What do Santa’s helpers learn in school?

The elf-abet!

What’s an Arctic wolf’s favourite time of year?

The Christmas howl-idays!

christmas jokes for kids | two white wolves stand howling in a snowy woodlnad
“We wish y-ooooooooooooooo-u a merry Christmas!”

How do snowmen shop online?

They use the winter-net!

What’s green, prickly and flies through the air?

A holly-copter!

Why did the snowman go to the veg market?

They were picking their nose!

What type of photos do elves take?


What falls but never gets hurt?


Why do reindeer wear bells?

Because their horns don’t work!

christmas jokes for kids | a startled-looking reindeer stands in a snowy woodland. They have long thin antlers and a thick winter coat of white and brown.
“My horns work perfectly well, thank you very much!”

What do you get if you cross a snowman and a vampire?


What’s an elf’s favourite type of music?

Wrap music!

What do you call someone who’s scared of Santa?



Why is it always cold at Christmas?

Because it’s Decem-brrrrr!

Why are Christmas trees bad at sewing?

They always drop their needles!

What do you get if you cross a bell with a skunk?

Jingle smells!

a skunk looks into the camera. They are black with a white stripe down their face and a thicker white stripe across the top of their head and down their back. They are sat on grass.
“Who are you calling stinky?!”

What do snowmen eat for breakfast?

Frosted flakes!

What did the Christmas tree say to the ornament?

Hang in there!

How do Christmas trees say goodbye to each other?


What do polar bears wear at Christmas parties?

Ice caps!

a big white bear sits on top of an iceberg, facing the camera
“I seem to have lost my party hat!”

What do you get if you eat Christmas decorations?


What do sheep say to each other at Christmas?

Merry Christmas to ewe!

Who delivers Christmas presents to cats?

Santa paws!

What do angry rodents send at Christmas?

Crossmouse cards!

How does Christmas day end?

With the letter ‘Y’!

Think you’ve got a better Christmas joke? Share it in the comments below!

Images © Adobe Stock.



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  • Peter

    It was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good I had read the whole thing again

  • liam

    more jokes

  • Blake

    What do you get if you cross a pineapple and a tree A pinetree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • taylor swift

    SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny I will use this all the time on my friends

  • Ella

    I loved the jokes even mummy thought it was funny pls send more Thank you

  • Blake

    I loved the Jokes even mummy thought it was funny pls send more

  • viktory

    Amazing!!! It was so funny!

  • Ampi

    So many jokes!!!

  • Aimee

    HA HA HA HA HA!!

  • very funny

  • Evelyn

    I like the jokes. My favourite one was what do you get when you eat Christmas decorations. My mummy laughed so loud milk almost came out of her nose. Ha Ha Ha. Very funny. Thank you so much for those lovely jokes.

  • mgreenstein

    where do elves eat? at the Santa bakery!

  • NYRA


  • Zaynab

    Very funny! I loved reading them, thank you

  • I loved the jokes

  • ks

    why is Santa so good at karate because he has a black belt.

  • jaylah

    these jokes are funny are you the joker?

  • Rylee

    I love it

  • Suki

    These jokes are so funny They even make my parents laugh

  • Elzie

    Q) What do you give a Christmas tree if it has bad breath? A) Orna-mints

  • zainab

    good jokes

  • Tommy Deller

    I liked it because i was so not funny but they were good jokes

  • Jazmin

    best thing loved these jokes.would recommend this again.

  • pearl

    how are frosty's parents?miss&mister frosty!

  • Adeena

    What do you call santa at the beach? Sandy clause

  • henry

    goooooooooooooood joooooooooooooookes

  • sofia

    what do you call a reindeer with no body? nobody knows

  • Maddie

    The jokes were funny too see thame

  • Love your jokes

  • Edie

    All your jokes are funny but mine funny really funny Q why is it always cold at Christmas A because it is decem brrrrrrrr get it its brrr in December

  • Mara


  • Jack

    Really funny jokes

  • Kai

    How do you know if you've upset a snowman? he'll give you a cold shoulder

  • Jaelyn wicky

    What did the mistletoe say to the tree? I am above u so pucker up tree

  • Alfie

    Cool jokes really funny

  • Really funny

  • Matthew

    What is white and mint Polo bear

  • Isla

    What do snowmen eat for breakfast? Frostys

  • Rumplestiltskin

    Very funnny, buuuuuuuuuuuutttt I have a funnier joke: Q)Who is Santa´s favorite Singer? A) Elf-is Presley

  • Why does frosty the snowman like solving mysteries? Because he has a nose for cold cases!

  • EJ

    What did the tree say to a Another I think that is Santa Right there

  • Olivia

    I like the one that goes Q) what do angry rodents send at Christmas? A) cross-mouse cards!

  • Olivia

    really funny jokes

  • What medicine do snowmen have when they have a fever: A chill pill

  • Santa Claus

    What kind of jokes are those, my elves have way better jokes. But I am Santa Claus and I have to be nice so those jokes are, well, they are just OK. Merry Christmas. Ho ho ho!!!

  • Belle lumsden

    Who delivers Christmas presents to cats? Santa Claws Haha ha ha

  • Mikateko

    Cool jokes

  • sophia

    what does Santa call a Christmas cat Santa prrrrrr

  • yarah

    what do you call christmas celebration when you are celebrating with trees ? tree-mas

  • Daisy

    Hilarous! Loved them

  • ella.tickner

    why do elves make bad choices because the have elf tastrophees

  • Annistyn

    The best jokes I ever heard

  • SW...

    What did the snowman say to the aggressive carrot? “Get out of my face.”

  • Cd

    Why is Santa so red ? He wants to shine so bright

  • Jasmine

    The snowman said something to the other can you smell carrots

  • Lily


  • Alie

    What do you call santas cat when he was scared A santy cat

  • Ola

    This is great

  • Gigi

    What’s an elf’s favourite singer? Elfis

  • Mia

    They were very good jokes

  • Amber Stone

    I have a better joke: what is the main rule of Santa’s work shop? Answer: keep elf-y and safe

  • Imogen


  • lydbar

    it was really funny for my 9 year old brother!!!!

  • Banana

    Good jokes I am having a joke battle with my dad today and I’m using these

  • Sriya

    This is not a Christmas joke but its funny: Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven ate nine!

  • Olivia

    Everyone laughed!

  • L

    What do you call sloth Santa? Sloth claws

  • Dude

    What is a snow favourite time pf hear ? Winter becuz cold get it hahahah

  • Evie the Great

    awesome jokes

  • gurly

    whats a cat who looks like santa clause?Santa Paws!

  • Marlee

    What do you call a duck on Christmas?? A Christmas quacker

  • Amber

    What dose the tree say to the holly ? Why are you so prickly

  • Marlee

    What do you call a duck on the 25th of December?? A Christmas quacker

  • bob

    these are amazing

  • Dog lover 2014

    Very funny joke but my parents thought they were daft

  • Austin

    The captions are so funny!

  • Good jokes

  • Aubri

    Who ever made these good job - Aubri

  • Ellis

    Jokes are so funny

  • Samantha

    Q)Why is Santa so good at karate? A) Because he has a black belt!

  • Graham

    What does Mrs Claus say to Santa when the wether is Bad. “Watch the Rain Dear”

  • Delilah

    I love your jokes

  • Haha

    Berry funny

  • Eva

    Q) What do you call a snowman in Summer? A) Melted!

  • Ash

    Q) what do you call an old Snowman? A) a puddle

  • bob

    love the jokes comedy gold

  • Mrs. Clause

    How much is Santa’s sleigh? Nothing, it was on the house

  • Mary Anne Wells

    What did 1 reindeer say to the other reindeer? Nothing reindeer can't talk

  • Alexis

    Sooooooooooooooooooo funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jackson

    I love it

  • Francess Dyson

    i needed it for my bon bons. thank you nat geo kids crew for wrighting these! ;]

  • Chase

    I love the jokes

  • Adi

    How do elves go up to the sleigh? Elelfator

  • Alf

    Nice jokes mr

  • Millie

    Very funny and funny to say to parents

  • MillieSlay

    Nice ones but there mainly all about snow and winter animals we have christmas in the sun!

  • Unknown

    What has no bolts or hinges but has golden treasure inside An egg

  • Jackson

    Great jokes! Some of them I might have heard of before though.

  • AdelinaH15

    cute jokes

  • Ryan Ensor

    Which one of Santa’s reindeers has the best dance moves. Dancer

  • I love these jokes!

  • Ava

    Soo good

  • Pjs boy

    Cool jokes

  • Leo

    How does good king Wenceslas like his pizza? Deep and Crisp and Even

  • Skibidi ohio sigma rizzler

    Who's always stuffed at the Christmas dinner? The turkey

  • Isla

    Wow they are amazing

  • Jake Ray

    What do you call a snowman with no nose? Hi I just don't have a nose.

  • Polly stevenson1234

    amazing jokes [how do snowmen shop online]A:the winter-net

  • Findlay

    What is Santa’s favorite place Santa Monica

  • Why can’t all the astronauts fit in the rocket? Because they were running out of space

  • Olivia

    What’s a parents favourite Christmas carol Silent night

  • why was Santa good at karate? Because he has a black belt!

  • Why aren’t basketball players aloud to go on a Christmas vacation? Answer: They can’t travel

  • that one

    How did the reindeer learn to play the piano? He was elf-taught

  • that one

    Great jokes they were really funny but not enough What's a vegan's favourite Christmas song? Soy to the world!

  • that one

    What is every parent's favourite Christmas carol? silent night

  • Hermione

    I can't believe I haven't heard some of these before they're great!

  • Elsie

    Good jokes and really safe for kids thank you x

  • Anna

    What do you call a snowman when drinking hot chocolate? Melting Snowman

  • charlie

    I love your jokes .

  • Tia

    I love these jokes

  • Noah

    Why did the one eyed chicken go to Iceland? To look at the birds eye range!

  • Charlotte

    cool jokes

  • bea

    what did mrs clause say when santa asked for the weather forcast? Rain-dear

  • Really good jokes

  • Jacob

    They are so funny

  • Eliza

    Q) What do you call a reindeer with carrots in its ears ? A)Nothing it can’t hear you!!!

  • Soho

    Amazingly funny jokes!

  • Liliana

    What you call a reindeer with no rein (rein is the thing attached to the sleigh) on it -deer-

  • Henry Riddell

    What do you call a moveable Snowman? A snow-mobile

  • What do you get when u cross jingle bells and a skunk Jingle smells

  • Elliott

    Q. What’s a snowman’s favorite snack? A. Frostbite

  • Lewis

    Great jockes

  • Aubrey

    What kind of car do elf’s drive? A toy-ota

  • yasmin

    I love ur jokes

  • Stella McGreevy

    I love these please more Christmas jokes!! Thank you

  • Libby

    What is a cat’s favorite Christmas song? Here comes Santa Claws.

  • Lilly

    Good jokes

  • James

    Who gives presents to sharks? Santa jaws.

  • Chloe

    Really good

  • Jaimee

    Whats an elves favourite type of music? Rap

  • slayqueen999

    these r cheesy & cute

  • Madeline

    What’s a snowman’s favorite drink? Icee

  • Sigmaa


  • AmeliaFarley

    what kind of key opens the door at x mas? a turkey!

  • what is a snowman's favourite chocolate ? A snowflake!!!!

  • ila


  • What do you get when you cross a sheep and a kangaroo? A wooly jumper!

  • Kian


  • AnnaL

    What do you get if you cross Santa with a duck? A Christmas quacker

  • brieanna

    my friends and family found them hallirous

  • Ella

    nice Jokes

  • Quinn


  • Macca.S

    Good jokes.

  • Hadassah

    Really funny

  • Sarjana

    Give me more jokes

  • What do you get when you cross Santa with a duck ? Christmas quackers

  • Rosie

    I really like your Christmas jokes

  • Sophie

    They are all so funny, but I need more jokes than how many you have. Can we add more?

  • oliver

    bad jokes

  • pretty good jokes

  • Cool dude

    What do reindeer say before they tell you a joke? This one’s gonna slay you

  • Rebekah

    I tried the jokes on my sister a they're so good and funny

  • John

    great jokes

  • Magpie

    Really good funny jokes

  • Why was the dog scared of Santa? Because Santa Claws!

  • .

    Q) What do you call snowmen with no body or no nose. A) nobody knows!

  • Anna

    What do you call a snowman that likes summer


    what is tall when it is young and short when its old? A candle!!!

  • Hannah Harkin

    I like the one when it says who delivers Christmas presents to cats? Santa paws.

  • hi


  • What does a elf say to santa when they get everything they want ! Elffish

  • sahdejhqwdkgh

    What does Ms.clause say when Santa asked her the weather?It's raindeer!

  • JACKMAN300

    what did the snowman say to the snowman hows it snowing

  • Yisheng

    What kind of math do owls like? owl-gebra.

  • A girl from uk

    I love these incredible jokes I think my nabours heard me laughing

  • So funny

  • Lila

    What do you call a Christmas detective? Santa Clues

  • yutftfggtyfrutfvty

    These jokes are great

  • Yonelle

    Really good jokes

  • billy

    the best

  • Lydia

    I thnk they are are all great

  • Last Christmas I bought my friend a lie detector as a gift. “Oh… I love it!” she said. “We’ll see,” I said.

  • Georgia

    What do you call a snow man with a six pack the adbinbal snow man

  • that one person

    these were funny ahahahhhahahahhahahahah

  • Malcolm

    Where does Santa live when he's not in the North Pole?In a ho-ho-hotel

  • Ella

    How much did Santa pay for his sleigh? Nothing it was on the house!

  • SantasElf

    Amazing jokes. Wish there was more though. Recommend for the whole family.

  • ann

    good joke

  • skibidi toilet

    these jokes make me crack up! good ol Christmas, amirite???

  • Grace

    I love this.

  • Lucas brewer

    nice joke you land lubber !

  • charly

    i really like these!

  • love your jokes

  • John

    thes are so funny jokes

  • Ruhi

    Why is Santa so good at karate? because he has a black belt!

  • cold

    These are good jokes

  • Shelly

    I like your jokes and I told some to my parents



  • Mary

    Great jokes

  • bob

    what do you call Santa....... hohoho!

  • great jokes

  • Sophia

    What do elves learn at school? The alphabet

  • Ayansh

    My friends laughed to death at these jokes

  • perfect for Christmas crackers

  • Angel

    how do you celebrate christmas

  • naya

    what is a snowman in the summer?..... A PUDDLE!!!!!

  • hollie

    good job

  • santa

    slay jokes hohoho

  • A Dawg

    cool jokes

  • Amelia

    Amazing expecilaly the snowmen breakfast one

  • Ricky Mickey Snickey

    These were funny.

  • Harrison

    How much did santa pay for his sleigh? .. Nothing it was on the house!!

  • kinsley spell

    it was good jokes but pls add more jokes to it so we can have more

  • Lily

    What do you call a cat on the beach at Christmas ? Sandy claws

  • Aragorn and terra

    we like your jokes

  • Eira

    very funny

  • claire wen yuan

    i love these wonderful funny jokes!

  • Great jokes

  • Hola

    Who says oh oh oh? Santa walking backwards

  • sanna

    where dose santa go on hoilday at a ho ho hotel great jokes bye the way

  • What goes up a Hill with 4 legs and goes down with 3?

  • ava

    what do you call a elf that sings? a wrapper

  • Louis

    Good jokes

  • Harper

    What is a reindeers favourite singer? Beyoncésleigh

  • haimanuel0223

    how do you know when Santa's around you can sense his presents

  • someone


  • why did Rudolf go to summer school? He went down in History

  • Debbie

    How's says oh oh oh when walking Santa walking backwards

  • kirabo

    why is santa a good shopper? because he makes his list and he checks it twice

  • Melody

    What has 4 legs but 1 foot? A bed What is round and has bad tempered? A vicious circle

  • emily

    Why do you not hear the feet of the raindeer? Because they have bells insted

  • Flint

    Where does Santa go for his holidays? To a Ho Ho hotel!

  • What do elves like to learn? The elf-abet!


    these are the BEST i am going to use them for me jokes for my christmas play!

  • Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

    Merry Christmas to everyone and a happy new year

  • Majella

    It is great

  • Timothy

    Great jokes

  • Chloe

    Where does Santa like delivering presents? Ohiohohoh

  • Ember

    Why are cats skittish around Christmas trees? Because of their bark I think they were amazing jokes

  • Harry Lee

    I could write better

  • Ariadne

    Loved the jokes! Want more PEASE!!

  • Amelia

    What says oh..oh..oh Santa flying backwards

  • Cherry on top

    Knock, knock! Who’s there? Donut. Donut who? Donut open this present until Christmas!

  • Cherry on top

    Knock Knock! Who’s there? Santa! Santa Who? Santa who brings you presents!

  • Cara

    I would like more!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I like them



  • 12345

    Who delivers presents to baby sharks? Santa Jaws

  • Bartholomew

    when is the best time to go to the dentist? At tooth-hurty!

  • Holly

    What do angry rodents send at Christmas? Cross–mouse cards! And How does Christmas day end? With the letter ‘Y’! are the BEST

  • Wren

    These LOLS are hilarious! I love them!


    Why do bananas have to go to the doctor? Because they aren't peeling well

  • Bera

    Why does everyone love snowmen? Because their so cool!


    Why did screwg win the football match? BECAUSE THE GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PASSED!!

  • Merry Christmas

    What do you get if you cross Santa and a duck? A Christmas quacker

  • carmen

    why does Santa ride a sliegh? because he wants to slay haha... its not funny isn't?

  • lexay

    they are so funny i even got my grandma to lagh

  • Mimi se pisa pe tine

    Why was the polar bear cold at Christmas? Because it was Decem-brrrr!

  • Eloise

    What is a Christmas tree’s favourite candy? Orna-mints!

  • hi

    I need a joke about Christmas candies


    I love this <3

  • Bea

    What Christmas carol does a skunk sing? Jingle smells! :0

  • Gracie

    Q: Where would Christmas come before Thanksgiving? A: The dictionary! Q: Why is Santa such a good shopper? A: Because he makes a list, then checks it twice!

  • Amazing


  • Piper

    Who calls a reindeer and bells together? Rein bells!

  • TriWol

    q: what do you call a ball full of snowmen? a: a snowball!

  • RI RI

    what did Santa pay for his sleigh? nothing it was on the house.

  • christmas lover

    omg these jokes are amazing

  • Someone

    I liked the joke why are Christmas trees not good at sewing because they creep on dropping there needles!

  • oliver2

    what did Santa say to Rudolph when he did something very bad? Deer god!

  • Isabella

    Q.Whats santa's fav makeup brand. A. e.l.f

  • Arthur

    Really good and funny

  • Belinay

    Why did the snowman go to the market to get a new nose.

  • Billy beast

    Q:Who is Santa’s wife A:Mary Christmas!

  • Sophie

    What’s the best present in the world A broken drum you just can’t beat it

  • Anjay

    Who does Santa call when his sleigh breaks down? The Abominable towman!!

  • Grinch

    What did the elves say to Santa before delivering his presents? Go sleigh the day!

  • Olivia

    These are the best! I even used them for Christmas cards

  • George

    what do you call a reindeer with no eyes? I have no idea!

  • catcon

    here is a joke from my music teacher what is a elf fav music a wrapper

  • LW

    What do you get when you cross a sheep with a kangaroo? A woolly jumper.

  • Emily

    Q: why do snowman eat ice cream A: so they don’t melt

  • Ja

    were did Santa go for vaca?To the ho ho tel

  • kitty

    why are pine trees bad a sewing cus they allways drop their needles!

  • hahahahahahah

  • Nor

    Q:Why did Santa swap reindeer for cows? A: because they were mooing

  • Lihan

    Very funny

  • inolie5

    who is santas favourite singer??? Elf IsPresly

  • Oliver

    what do polar bears wear to school? polar shirts

  • Brooke

    Did you hear about Rudolph roller coaster He held on for deer life

  • Ella

    What did the snowman day to santa. Give me a some snowsome presents

  • Sathvika

    What do you call an ant who fights crime - a vigil- ant-e! Why shouldn't you trust stairs - because they are always up to something What did the flower say after it told a joke - I was just pollen your leg What do you call a bee that buzzes quietly - a mumble bee What does an alien do if it feels bored in school - spaces out What do you call a snowman's dog - a slush puppy

  • Milly

    Who delivers presents to cats? It is Santa paws

  • Nobody

    Please make more animal jokes

  • Remy

    How good are all these Christmas jokes? Merry good!

  • What do you get when you cross a snowman and a hat? Snow hat!

  • charlotte

    lol:) knock knock who's there? five five who five golden ring's

  • Love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it

  • Lilly

    So funny !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Good

  • eam2015

    what is santa's favrite word merry christmas

  • Len

    knock knock Who’s there? Anna Anna who? Anna partridge on a tree

  • Destinee

    All the jokes are funny lol:)

  • ella

    so funny I love it!

  • comixseller

    Dude I loved all the jokes and I laughed a lot

  • lila

    i loved it was fun

  • Molly

    What is the Grinch's favourite song? All I want for Christmas is onions!

  • 30003284

    loved it

  • Emmanuella

    Really funny lol

  • cbone

    what do elves listen on the radio? Wrap music.

  • Samantha

    What do gingerbread men use when they break a leg? A candy cane

  • Frankie Allen

    What do you call a reindeer with no eyes? No eye deer. What Falls but never gets hurt? Snow. How do snowman’s shop online? They use the winter-net. What's green, prickly and flys through the air? A holly copper.

  • eboney - rose

    cool/nice love it amazing fun hi 21 days til christmas so cool bye/ see ya

  • pearl

    cool jokes , some of them are so funny , grrr can you do one about a bear? hi

  • berhgburbnv

    What did the cow want to be when he grows up? A mooo tuber

  • BOB


  • Party

    Coooooooool jokes!

  • Esther

    What do reindeer say before they tell you a joke? This one’s gonna sleigh you!

  • Esther

    Some of them were funny, but some of them I don’t get it. So what I thought is that what if you put the reason of it so then people would understand

  • Oliver potts

    What do you say to a sheep at christmas? Fleece Navidad

  • bob

    i love throwing snowballs



  • team_JohnCaleb

    they were really funny. LOL

  • Iris


  • Mya

    Why did Santa marry mrs clause? Because he wanted a marry christmas

  • jeff

    What did Frosty’s girlfriend give him when she was mad at him? The cold shoulder. How did the reindeer learn to play piano? He was elf-taught. What did the snowman say to the aggressive carrot? “Get out of my face.” What do you call an old snowman? Water. Why shouldn't you lend money to elves? They're always short. Why are mummies such big fans of Christmas? Because they enjoy wrapping. What is green, covered in Christmas lights and Christmas bulbs, and goes ribbit? A mistle-toad. What is every parent's favourite Christmas song? Silent Night! I have got a few jeffers here! Hope you all enjoy! Jeff

  • Annabel

    Knock knock Who’s there? Mary Mary who? Merry Christmas!!!!!

  • enya

    Why did the orange bring a prune to the dance? He could not find a date ! (get it? a prune is a dried up date.)

  • Lily.hayward

    Where does santa stay at? The ho ho hotel

  • LILY

    What did one Christmas tree say to the other Christmas tree? Lighten up!

  • liz

    what is green covered in Christmas lights and bulbs and goes ribbit? mistle- toad (mistletoe)

  • Hermione

    How do snowman shop online? Because they use the winter-net

  • Ellie

    So funny

  • Clara O'Brien

    Knock knock... Who's there .... Daisy ....Daisy who.... Daisy me rolling

  • Ella

    Who sings white Christmas and explodes? Bang crosby

  • Evangelina

    These are good jokes

  • Stitch

    So funny

  • Leia

    Great jokes .Definitely will tell them at christmas!

  • PresLee

    Who delivers presents to bears - Santa Bear!

  • Peter

    With regards to the skunk mixed with a bell… Stinkerbell

  • Arya

    What animals cold at Christmas? A polar brrrrr

  • Donna

    How is a cat walking on the beach like Christmas? They both have Sandy Claws.

  • Leo

    What falls but doesn't get hurt

  • Ethan

    How did the tree get into the internet? He logged in

  • gfgycj

    it’s nearly christmas

  • Uly

    I wanted to change ` What will you get if you cross a snowman with a vampire?' Frostbite sounds bad to me. Here it is.............. Manpire! Snowpire! There ARE more, but I will come later with more. Bye! Oh yeah, does anyone here watch BTN? It stands for Behind The News

  • Lino

    What's a Santas favorite musician? Elfis Presley

  • KingCallum

    The Jokes were so funny

  • Zach

    What does the sheep who hates Christmas say? Baaaa humbug

  • Lilly

    I love the elf abet one

  • Emma

    So funny I did it with my dad

  • Ella123

    LOVE these jokes my favourite was the Decem-brrrrr one

  • logan

    why did rudolf have bad grades? because he went down in history

  • Ben

    This is FABULAS

  • Tida


  • BCA

    my favourite one was the skunk one I love skunks

  • aylatahi

    My favourite one was: What do you get if you cross a snowman and vampire? Frostbite!HAHAHAHA

  • Abird89

    So much fun telling my friends and family these jokes . I liked the first one most and so did my friends.

  • Emma

    I love this

  • bella slays like a queen!

    these jokes are so funny . and some are lame !!!

  • Anonymous

    This was so funny. When I talk to my friends I'm gonna tell them these. They will crack up.

  • Jeff


  • Saphire

    Gosh, that was fun. I got to make my family groan! Lol

  • Hi

    Mghcmhgcgmhcgmfh? Kyufuykfgkufgfuk! Note: the above joke is in the language fyiaervyousfdvuih. All credit goes to yukrhhmd. Just play along.

  • Nice

  • someone

    cool joke I like the first one the most

  • lila

    I love it

  • Roman Hussain


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