How to make a bee hotel
Build a buzzin’ bug home for our precious bees!
Bees play a super-important part in our natural world. But did you know that, sadly, they are running out of places to live? The good news is that you can help! Build our bees this brilliant home so they can buzz around your garden…
How to make a bee hotel

What you’ll need…
Large yellow tub or bucket
Small plant pot
Black electrical tape
Small hack saw
Bamboo sticks
Some bee-friendly plants, such as cornflowers, lavender and heather
Potting soil
Modelling clay
White paper
Black and yellow pens
Step 1

Stick the black tape around the yellow tub in bee-like stripes. Then ask an adult to help you make some holes in the bottom for drainage.
Step 2

Put the soil into the tub, leaving a 5cm space at the top. Now, remove the plants from their pots, scoop out some holes in the soil, put the plants in them, then pat down the soil around them.
Step 3

Next, ask an adult to cut the bamboo into 15, 25cm lengths and one 70cm length. Then tie them in a bundle with a piece of string, keeping the long piece of bamboo in the middle.
Step 4

On the paper, draw two windows with a bee in one of them, then cut them out and stick them on the small plant pot, so that it looks like a hotel!
Step 5

Next, roll a ball of modelling clay and stick it inside the bottom of the small plant pot. Then put the pot on top of the bamboo, so that the end of the bundle sticks into the clay.
Step 6

Finally, put the long stick of bamboo into the soil in the yellow tub, water the plants and then just wait for the bees to come. Buzzz!
Top tip: Bees like warmth, so put their new home in a south-facing area of your garden!
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How cute! I love it. We must save the bees. <3
That. Looks. AMAZING