WIN a copy of Scarlet: Defender of the Universe!
14 March 2025
Scarlet only replies to the Beano ad for Defender of the Universe to prove to her annoying younger brother it’s not a real thing – so she’s shocked when she actually gets the job!
Now responsible for the galaxy’s safety, she teams up with co-Defender Jasper, Pom-Pom the cutest alien ever, and Bot, the smartest AI robot, on a whirlwind adventure to save Earth from an alien species determined on destruction… who will do anything for a warm cup of hot chocolate.
Explore more about the book here!
The Prize
ONE lucky reader will win a copy of Scarlet: Defender of the Universe.
For your chance to win, simply tell us, who would your ideal, super-cool Co-Defender be? Tell us below in 30 words who it would be and why!
The most creative entry will win.
Good luck!
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