Ready to learn some paw-some dog facts? Then you’re in the right place! Join National Geographic Kids as we get the lowdown on our fur-tastic friends…

Dog facts!

Dog facts | two dogs run together through a green field, under a sunny blue sky

1. Dogs are the most popular pet on the planet!

A third of ALL households around the world have a dog. These playful, friendly, loyal animals make great companions, but they can also be fierce and tough protectors, or intelligent helpers.

2. They evolved from a now-extinct species of wolf.

Dogs were the first animal domesticated (tamed) by humans, over 20,000 years ago! As they evolved from wolves, their skulls, teeth and paws shrank, and they became more docile and obedient.


Evidence from fossils suggests that five types of dog had evolved by the Bronze Age, around 4500BC. These were mastiffs, wolf-type dogs, dogs similar to greyhounds, pointing dogs and herding dogs. Bow wow!

3. They can learn over 100 words and gestures!

Dog facts | a dog sits holding their paw up in the air, waiting for a treat to be given

Dogs are thought to be as smart as two-year-old children (and much easier to train!), so many owners teach them commands and tricks.

4. Dog noses are at least 40x more sensitive than ours!

These clever canines have an incredible sense of smell – allowing them to follow scent trails days after they were left. Amazingly, bloodhounds‘ sense of smell is so spot on that it can be used as evidence in court!


Dogs also have fantastic hearing! They can detect high-pitched noises and spot sounds from much further away than humans can.

5. Many work as assistance dogs, helping humans!

Dog facts | a golden assistance dog stands beside their owner. They are wearing a safety vest with an orange reflector on the front, and a lightweight harness held by their owner.

Many dogs are trained to work as guide dogs, helping blind people get around safely. Others are assistance dogs, who keep their owners calm and safe, while some brave hounds are search and rescue dogs, who help human rescuers save people from danger.


Some working dogs are trained to use their super senses to sniff out explosives and illegal goods, or alert humans to potentially dangerous health issues. Wow!


6. They only sweat from their paws, and have to cool down by panting.

The sweat is much oilier than humans’, and it contains lots of chemicals that only other dogs can detect. Weirdly, it also makes many dog paws smell of cheesy crisps!

7. They can be right or left-pawed!

Dog facts | a dog places their paw against a human hand

Like humans, most dogs have a dominant hand – or in their case, paw! To figure out which one it is, you can conduct a simple science experiment

Watch a dog moving from standing still to walking forwards. Do they start walking with their left leg, or their right? Watch several times, noting down the starting leg each time, and see if there’s a pattern. Many dogs will often lead with the same leg – their dominant one!

8. The Ancient Egyptians saw dogs as god-like!

Ancient breeds like the Saluki lived in the lavish palaces of Egyptian royalty! The pampered pooches had their own servants, were decked out in jewelled collars, and ate only the finest meats.


Dead rulers were often buried with their doggy pals, as they believed the hounds would protect them from harm in the afterlife.

9. Dogs use body language to express their feelings.

From their ears to their eyebrows, shoulders, and tail, dogs often use signals and smells, rather than sound, to communicate! Their posture makes a big difference, too.

Next time you see a dog interacting with a person or other dog, pay close attention. Are they shrinking themselves down small, or standing up big and tall? What do you think they’re trying to say?

10. Owning a dog is a BIG responsibility!

Just like humans, dogs have feelings and needs, and they have to be taken care of properly. They need regular walking, healthy food, a clean, cosy place to sleep and lots and lots of love and affection! Make sure you and your family think carefully before you get a dog (or any pet!) to make sure you have the time and means to take one on.

What did you think of our awesome dog facts? Let us know by leaving a comment, below!





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  • William


  • William

    these are some really good dog facts!

  • Viaann

    I love corgi's

  • kissiwaa

    i love puppies and dogs . i really want a dog

  • sid

    I love the dogs

  • kanna

    I do like these facts, dogs are cool but i like cats more.

  • gemma

    soooo interesting.

  • Sophia


  • martii

    i love dogs so much

  • Isabel

    I love dogs so much

  • Poppy

    I love dogs my parent has a cocerspanyle

  • This was a very cool page with many interesting facts including some that I never new before like how they could have a dominant paw!

  • ANNE


  • Jazmine

    I just read all to my sister and I left her in shock!

  • maricelia

    i love dogs so mucch i want to get another one but I can't

  • I wish i can have a dog

  • Nick

    I never knew these facts! wow!!!

  • spaceface

    I love dogs! in fact I have a boxer!

  • jaylen

    I love dogs so so much.

  • Dani

    Awesome, thank you. I’d love to know what wares dogs out the most.. is it going for a run, sniffing, playing fetch, or something else?

  • Jacques and Joshua

    The dog is extremely cute and adorable

  • Amelia Yun

    I love dogs so much because I was born in the year of Dog. They also are very cute.

  • Penny

    I love dogs and I especially like sausage dogs. I love dogs so much that I really want to get one.

  • yur_fav_

    i finally know much more about dogs thanks to you and i looooovvvvveeeee dogs

  • Scout

    I love dogs My dog is named scout

  • Debora

    I have one dog. Dogs are the best friend a human can have. dogs have feelings and needs.

  • Ilovedogs!

    I am desperate for a dog so i'm researching them in school


    I have a snake his name is nagini

  • someone

    Dogs is my fav animal i really want one. This website is good

  • Bella

    I love dogs so much. I really want one and I am doing as much research as possible about them.

  • NAME


  • Dog lover

    So cool

  • EZE

    I loved it but I knew most of the stuff.I also liked the FUN FACTS

  • becca

    this is helpful

  • lucy

    dogs are my favorite thing in the whole world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I want one soooooo badly!!!!!!!

  • (つ≧▽≦)つ


  • No name

    Interesting asspecially fact 8

  • twinkletoes


  • Munia

    Hello, my name is Munia and I have been researching dogs ever since I was at least six years old, and when I grow up I want to be a dog studier here’s a fun fact did you know that in the 20th century a dog named bear was known as a hero for saving koalas from bushfires

  • betsy

    i love this app it is the best in the world

  • jacob

    this is good

  • ellis

    dogs are cool and so is nat geo

  • 340059

    i love it

  • ellis

    thank you so much!

  • ellis

    i LOVE dogs!

  • Hikaru

    Dogs are my favourite animal i love this website

  • Issy

    Dogs are cool

  • Muriel


  • kiah


  • Senadi

    I love this website

  • Arnat


  • charlotte

    i love national geographic kids

  • nice

  • I like it!!!

  • Ivan

    so awesome

  • no name


  • wow

  • ummm there SOOOO CUTE

  • natan

    great information

  • WOW!

  • jaden


  • Aubrey

    Dogs are so cool thanks for this it I'm also making a speech about it so this is going to be really good I'm up to four

  • Hana

    When my dog is curious or hears something his ears always go up and forward. My favirote fact is the trick to see what there domnante paw is defently going to try it with my dog.

  • bob

    i like dogs and this facts for me showed me a lot thank you

  • skylar

    this help me a lot for essays thanks for y'll

  • Swiftie4ever

    Cool facts!!! keep going!

  • layla

    wow keep it going I love it here

  • dean

    so cool!!!

  • Natalie

    I love dogs and they are so cute

  • Mila

    Really helpful! Doing a dog presentation

  • Anonymous

    Cool dog are the best

  • Naomi.M


  • Maia

    I've wanted a dog for a long time but my parents say NO so I'm just buying lots of stuff about dogs!

  • coolio

    dogs are cool

  • coolio

    This website is great for dog facts!!!! Especially when you have a dog!!!!!!!

  • b.h

    I learned some pretty cool stuff about dogs

  • My dog is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

  • coolio

    My dog is so energetic! And IS a big responsibility!!

  • Kailyn

    SOOOOOOO good thank you

  • Zee


  • Charmi


  • Bohdi

    You are the goat dogs Dogs DOGS DOGS DOGS

  • Lily

    Great to know

  • Jerry

    Wow I love all these awesome facts about dogs they so cool!!

  • Gus Tonkin

    These facts are pawsome!!!

  • Emilycartmer

    The dogs are sooooooooo cute and adorable, the facts are awesome and especially the one that says ‘dogs tell their expressions with their body movements’

  • Liyanamerhi

    Dogs are so smart and cute and strong because the have more smell than uss and they can protect us more than we can an do like how one of the sentence said dogs can gaurd us

  • skye

    this was so good for school!

  • bob

    i love dogs

  • Aaryahi thakur

    Very good!

  • Ava Conaghan

    I have a dog and his name is Coby . I always take him out for a walk but when we get home he still isn’t tired.I know that having a dog is a lot of responsibility but you can have so much fun!

  • johan

    it helped me in my speech

  • Sia

    Nice and interesting

  • cool I never new this stuff

  • yasman


  • Teuila Turley

    This is an amazing web site!

  • Klyde

    Thanks for telling me dog facts national kids geographic. This will help me a lot with my writing

  • Chase thistleton

    I loved the content and the pictures are so cute and I love the fact you guys have posted. Thank u

  • Anvit

    Very good points to write essay

  • SeceretMask

    These facts are very useful thanks National Geographic kids

  • Sophie

    I like your interesting tricks and facts they are really cool

  • Poppy

    thank you for the lovely facts they were really fascinating.

  • ant

    doggies are so cute an awesome an they deserve all the kindest in the world

  • jessie ellot

    ur amazing

  • Rosie bainbridge

    So cute!

  • Juno ' Victoria ' Raintung

    I love how we learn about dogs!

  • This is a good website.I have three dogs and they love to play and do tricks.I love dogs!!

  • Sascha

    I have a dog. My dogs name is Cocoa of course. The reason why name is Cocoa Cocoa is because she has hot chocolate body and marshmallow paws.



  • JoyBoy

    I love dogs I think there amazing animals!

  • Vaughn

    Thanks for the cool magazine NatGeoKids! They’re the best!!!

  • Jesse

    This is so amazing. I love Dogs

  • igala

    i am a big fan of dogs

  • connor

    I love dogs, they are the coolest living thing on earth

  • neverseen1226b

    pretty good it does tell a lot of good facts about dog's and i like the pitcher's and time put in it! And i think other kids might like it like me!

  • Hana

    My favirote fact is the trick to see what there domnante paw is defently going to try it with my dog.

  • Beth

    When my dog is curious or hears something his ears always go up and forward.

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